Why Do They Drink So Much?!

Question: I've noticed that in the UK there is way too much drinking. Why do they drink so dang much! I mean come on they have a TV show dedicated to binge drinking what is wrong with this country?

Answers: I've noticed that in the UK there is way too much drinking. Why do they drink so dang much! I mean come on they have a TV show dedicated to binge drinking what is wrong with this country?

People in the UK drink because their children touch them self's.

Sorry had to say it. I agree with you, there is too much drinking all over. I think the legal age in England is like 14 or something (Please correct me if I am wrong here)

cause they like it

The US likes to drink too.

well why does the US eat so much??!?!

because they are cool like that.

It's a habit...each country has its tradition for instance here in Greece they drink loads of coffee, in Egypt it's fool and falafel and so on and so forth.I know in Russia though they drink coz its freezing

it's probably because the uk just found alcohol and said "damn this is good" and get addicted!

Because their weather sux, it is always rainy and cold, so they have nothing better to do. Or maybe because their alcoholics!
But more than likely it is just their heritage, some countries drink wine with every meal including the children

The Briti9sh character is complex - could it be that people in UK need to drink to sort the many anomalies, problems, injustices, difficulties that we Bristish have known since way back in history! sympathy for Brits please, whether you understand us or not! - . Binge drinking is not sensible, as it is self destructive & a health risk - also can lead to insulst, vi9lence, injury, illness. But people with difficulties may need to drink because they can find no other way to feel better, or to drown their problems, or to feel okabout themselves & their lives & their past.. good luck.


If you lived here you would know why.

Don't you think it's a bit narrow minded to write off an entire country of 60 million people based on a couple of TV shows you've seen?

If you are comparing the alcoholism rate between America and the UK, you might want to do some research. You'll find that the alcoholism rate in both countries is about 5.55%. So regardless of what you think of the British media (at least they can put a real news show together), the end result is the same.

So perhaps you should do research before making such rediculous statements.

As to your comments on teens, the difference between America and pretty much the rest of the world, is that Brits are legal adults at 18. This means they can do what they like, including drink. In the American culture they are forbidden to have alcohol for three more years, causing secret binge drinking and experimentation with drugs that are easier to find.

In the UK thats where many beers are created, I believe that alcohol and wine originated in England and exported to the 13 English Colonies, where it was very popular, expecially in the Taverns. Anyway many wines and beers come from England, you can just go to a Wine Store and see many come from the UK or in Italy. Olives and Grapes were main products back then and thats where wine originated, so alcohol became very popular. Plus theres many Taverns in the UK, so drinking is very big. I guess they worship beer or something (LOL) so beer is big because that is where it originated and and is exported from, I hope that answers your question.

i think they like it...


Why do you keep slamming the Brits, do you think it makes you look cool? I don't think so!

DO RE MI BEER" by Homer J. Simpson.


DOUGH... the stuff... that buys me beer...

RAY..... the guy that sells me beer...

ME...... the guy... who drinks the beer,

FAR..... the distance to my beer

SO...... I think I'll have a beer...

LA...... La la la la la la beer

TEA..... no thanks, I'm drinking beer...

That will bring us back to...

[Notices can is empty]...D'OH!

Apparently if everyone does it, and has done it for many years, it's their culture. I have a pen pal that lives there, and it's just what they do. Kind of like people in South America sometimes take naps after lunch. It's just part of their heritage. Don't hate on them.

There is still a bit of barbarian left in them.....

if drinking upsets you that much NEVER come to my house...get your panties out of a bundle and chill out!! you really need to lighten up. why dont you drink some alcohol and then try and ask yourself that question again..

And they probably don't have as much crime!!!

I'm from the UK thanks for making us look sooo bad, it's not that bad over here but it could do with a little less underage drinking, the problem is the kids who are making this look bad are the one who hang about near shops in gangs of 20-30 asking older people to go in and get the alcohol for them (intimidation?)
a lot of the older drinkers do it to unwind like me, i don't drink in the week and i like to unwind at the weekend, to break up the play from the working life. sometimes i do drink too much and make myself look a little bad but it's hardly what you see on tv programmes (edited? to make the biggest effect?)
I am happy with what i do, i live my life with the ones i care about most and i have a good working life too, all that said i am not going to stop drinking because of a question on Y!A
Think of us as lazy slobs, anything you want.....We won't change!

Why don't you just stop already. Can't you focus on your own well being.

Well...they dont seem to have the social hang ups that we Americans have so. Maybe that is a good thing!!

Now now now,

All people in the UK are raging alcoholics while everyone in the US is a 300 lb fat guy... don't you know anything?

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