Which import.....?!
Which import.....?
which import beer is best in your opinon?
Ilike Molson, spaten, and Fosters right now, but that may change next month.
Hoegarden..no fruit.
Go with Becks.
I would request Keystone premium.!
I think it is imported from Colorado by coors
I live in California
and since it is cheeper than bud with NO flavor loss
This is like asking which ethnic female is best.....oriental ? Latina? Depends on the food and your mood.
Guinness...other alternatives are Murphy's and Beamish (Only buy the cans though).
If you happen to like lighter beer, then you could go with Red Stripe (Jamaican) or Stella Artois (if you like green bottle beer).
I hate beer I never Drink it....Then I had this Jamaican Beer called Red Strip .......So Good Very Smooth and No after taste and it creeps up on you.
Molson Canadian. Heaven in a bottle.
In the fridge now,Bass Pale Ale,Foster's and Warsteiner.
hahah, it depends what country you are in.
i manage a liquor stope in perth, west australia
my most popular impoted beer is grolsch or heieken
i cant believe lots of people have said fosters. i dont even sell it, cos its rubbish