How do you make moonshine? I need the whole process?!

Question: I want to make like a gallon just as a hobby

Answers: I want to make like a gallon just as a hobby

It is only illegal if you are making it in the USA and using it for drinking. If you get a free fuel alcohol distillers permit from the TTB (branch of the ATF) then it is legal. There is a lot of info that you need to know about distilling beverage and fuel alcohol, and it isn't all going to fit in here. I recommend a book called "The Compleat Distiller". It is the bible of moonshine. Also check out this website: It is the best one out there.

Illegal; even as a hobby.


10 lbs. Whole kernel corn, untreated

5 Gallons Water

1 Cup Yeast, champagne yeast starter


Put corn in a burlap bag and wet with warm water. Place bag in a warm dark

place and keep moist for about ten days. When the sprouts are about a 1/4" long

the corn is ready for the next step. Wash the corn in a tub of water, rubbing

the sprouts and roots off.. Throw the sprouts and roots away and transfer the

corn into your primary fermenter. With a pole or another hard object mash the

corn, make sure all kernels are cracked. Next add 5 gallons of boiling water

and when the mash cools add yeast. Seal fermenter and vent with a water sealed

vent. Fermentation will take 7-10 days. When fermentation is done, pour into

still filtering through a pillow case to remove all solids.



7 Lbs. Rye

2 Lbs. Barley

1 Lbs. Malt

6 gallons of water

3 grams Yeast

1 gram Ammonium-fluoride.


Heat water to 70 degrees and then mix in malt and grain. While stirring the

mixture slowly heat to 160 degrees (raise temperature 5 degrees every 2

minutes). Keep mixture at 160 degrees stirring constantly for 2-3 hours to

convert starch into fermentable sugar and dextrin. Filter off liquid and place

into fermentation device and allow to cool to 70- 80 degrees. Immediately pitch

with 3 grams of yeast. To avoid secondary fermentation and contamination add 1

gram of ammonium-fluoride. Stir liquid for 1 minute then cover and seal with a

airlock.Mash will take 5-7 days to ferment. After fermentation is complete pour

into, still filtering through a pillow case to remove all solids.


1 1/4 large watermelon

10 peaches

1 1/4 cup chopped golden raisins

15 limes (juice only)

25 cups sugar

water to make 5 gallon

wine or distillers yeast

Extract the juice from watermelon and peaches, saving pulp. Boil pulp in five quarts of water for 1/2 hour then strain and add water to extracted juice. Allow to cool to lukewarm then add water to make five gallons total and all other ingredients except yeast to primary fermentation vessel. Cover well with cloth and add yeast after 24 hours. Stir daily for 1 week and strain off raisins. Fit fermentation trap, and set aside for 4 weeks.

that would illegal go buy the foxfire book

It's not legal, but on google you can find almost anything.

I don't know how to make it, but while you do..listen to country music legend George Jones singing "White Lightnin" It's the perfect brewing song. I believe in mood music. "T men G men revenues too were searchin for the place where he made his brew they were looking tryin to book 'im but my Pappy kept a cooking...shhooowwwee White Lightnin!" Such a good brewin' tune. You gotta love it!

Have your grandpa drink all day, get his pee, put it in a barrel and wait 30 days.

The reason "Moonshine" is illegal is, that it is hard to regulate the "proof" or alcohol percentage in home distilling. In the US it is illegal to sell or possess any alcohol over 155 proof or 88% alcohol by volume. Some states have laws that allow the average home brewer to distill some product, but there is generally a cap on the amount. These laws are hold overs from Prohibition.

You can distill just about anything, whether or not it has alcohol in it. To make a still you need :

a heat source
a collection bin
a cooling source
and your liquid of choice

The higher the heat and the higher the alcohol content the further away from the heat the cooling source needs to be.

To distill water I generally take a large pot, top it with a bunt pan with the tube pointing up. Inside the bunt pan I place a metal bowl, upside down. On the bowl I place a small cake pan, either full of ice cubes or water, set inthe freezer over night. I fill the pot with water and cook over med-high heat. When the Ice in the cake pan has melted, I check the water level in the bunt pan, dump it into my pitcher and repeat.


when i was locked up for six months, my cellie showed me how to make window sill (moonshine) you need an apple, bread, orange juice and something else...?

anyways let it forment in the sun for a few weeks .. tastes like **** and you feel like you just drank liquid shrooms

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