Hangover Pills, do they really work and which ones do?!


Hangover Pills, do they really work and which ones do?

So Ive seen these pills at various stores, all different kinds of brands, always curious but never pick them up because I can always handle hangovers usually fine, til lately now as I get older I guess Im really hating that morning after the partying.

So every time I catch myself having a little too much fun, I always remember about the pills and think of how Im going to be paying the price in the morning and I should of picked some up before I went out.
So my question is, do these really work? Who has tried them and which brand out of all 100 of them do you recommend?

Thanks for the info

I'm (almost) gonna back up N323...I swear by 2 glasses of water and 2 Advil before I go to bed...It works for me every time!
Most of those hangover pills are just multi-vitamin and mineral supplements that they way-overcharge you for. Some have electrolytes, but you're just as well off drinking a bottle of Smart Water or Gatorade.
Most hangovers are caused by extreme dehydration!

drink a bottle of water and take tylenol BEFORE you go to bed. it always works like a charm

It's a waste of money. Your better off buying Ibuprofen and a couple of beer's.

go to www.howstuffworks.com and search for hangovers. there's a pretty good article about what causes hangovers and how you can avoid them. there's also a section about different hangover pills.

I've heard a few remedys (not pills) that work..but only if you're willing to do it...some ppl would rather suffer the hangover.
Drink Tomato juice...kills hangover.
or have another drink of what you drank the night before...apparently ppl have said this also kills the hangover but i would think it would put you right back to being drunk if you did that.
or Tylonol and water to hyrdrate your body as the alcohol dehydrates you that's what causes the headache*
Best one of all..is try not to drink to that state...and all should be good to go* You'll have had fun but wake up with no hangover..and eat before you drink*

You should not ever take Tylenol after drinking, it can cause liver and kidney damage. Drink lots of water and take an asprin before bed.

Drink fluids. These pills don't work. If you have a very bad hangover, an eye opener in the morning will help plus something in your stomach and a couple aspirin. Do not take any pain reliever with Ibu's including tylenol. They will cause severe stress on the liver and kidneys when you have alcohol in your system. You over indulge, you pay the price. Don't make a habit of this!

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