When drinking, what things or tips can I do to don't feel "drunk" too soon?!

Question: Usually when I drink, I feel "drunk" or extremly happy after 5 beers.I'm going to this party on Saturday, and there will be lots of alcohol in it. What things can I do to don't feel "drunk" just after 5 beers, but to last longer sober?
A friend told me that drinking lot's of water helped, is this true? Or that drinking abeer every certain time (about 30 min. between each beer) helped reduce the effects? True?
Also, does eating before drinking help?

Answers: Usually when I drink, I feel "drunk" or extremly happy after 5 beers.I'm going to this party on Saturday, and there will be lots of alcohol in it. What things can I do to don't feel "drunk" just after 5 beers, but to last longer sober?
A friend told me that drinking lot's of water helped, is this true? Or that drinking abeer every certain time (about 30 min. between each beer) helped reduce the effects? True?
Also, does eating before drinking help?

water in between helps sometimes. but it's mainly just filling up your stomach so that you feel full faster, and thus can't drink as fast/much.
eating also really helps. If you snack at the same time, it really reduces how much/fast you drink.
MIXING different types of alcohol surely doesnt help either. I would stick to either liquor or all beer, or all wine.
Main thing is, enjoy your drink! and pace your drinks!
Good luck & have fun :)

just dont drink. you dont want to drive home like that

Don't drink so fast. Take your time and just sip on it and be social with the people around you

Also drinking on a full stomach allows the food to absorb some of the alcohol.

Eat more, drink less, drink slower, more things you have in your body to absorb and dilute would probably help. Or just dont drink at all.

yes, eating will help delay and diminish the effect but if you keep drinking you are eventually gonna get drunk, keep that in mind.

food helps to absorb the alcohol. also, drink slower.

drink the beers much more slowly than usual. this helps so much. also you could eat a heavy meal full of carbs and this will absorb some of the alcohol.

Nothing man. Alcohol is absorbed into to your blood. No amount of food or water can help that.

Nosh on food while you are drinking .

Take it slow, drink with water and have carbs.

drink beer last......if you drink beer first (and 5 bottles too! whoa!! ) it creates lots of bubbles in your stomach, and then when you drink other stuff, like spirits or something, then the alcohol of these drinks affects you more, because it rises with the gas rising of the beer....this will make you drunk faster....drink beer last!!!

gee um i d k stop drinki9ng like some pit of wast that needs to get a life!

be sure to eat breakfast, lunch, and supper. don't drink so fast. sip your beer, and eat something like pretzels while you drink.

All those are good ideas. Especially the food one. Eat a lot. And yes, pace yourself.

eat alot of carbohydrates. Potatos, Rice, Starches, French Fries, Bread. Fill up and keep noshing all nite...and DRINK SLOWER!

oh,, and more water is never a bad idea.

drink slow. (don't drink drive ;-)

One beer per hour. That's how you do it. Yes eating helps. Water helps the next day because you are dehydrated from the alcohol.

yeah, eating food will help

alternate water and beer

have only good quality beer like Guinness

have only one per hour or so

Have a good meal because it can absorb some of the alcohol.

What you can do is to take butter and also if you want is to take meat because drink. Yes eating will help, but you need to take fat meat as the fat will help you no to be drunk so fast

eat lots a food. preferable meat. Bread and sweets make it worse. Perhaps you should have a big meal before you go!

Have something starchy (like bread/pasta/rice etc) before you start drinking. I usually, after about 3 beers, drink a soft drink (lime and soda is the best stuff, loads of ice). No need to pile it in, just take it easy, and when you do get (inevitably) get drunk, drink a soft drink in between each alcoholic drink.

if you drink water it will help dilute the effects and yes..eating also will help. Your body can probable process about one beer and hour so just sip...be safe

with some people food helps slow down alcohol.
main thing, be careful.
have a desinated driver who will not be drinking.

Eat breads and/or pasta before you drink. It will slow the absorbtion of the booze. Also, drink a glass of for every beer you have. Good luck and FIND A DD MY FRIEND.



limit the drink,
e.g. in stead of drinking 3 glass of wine, drink only one but very slowly, take your time in drinking which you won't need to buy more or drink more too

Eat before you drink. Definitely. A big starchy meal.

Try drinking slowly...don't guzzle down all the beer at once. The more you drink in a shorter period of time, the worse the effects. Also...there is some form of medicine (over the counter) that you can take to reduce the effect of HANGOVERS, but not the overall feeling of being drunk

Water just flushes out your system, it numbs the effect. It makes you have to pee more....which dilutes the alcohol level.

Try drinking less, or not drinking at all. You don't need alcohol to have fun at a party! ^.^

eat a Heavy meal (IE meat) this lines the tummy and slows Alcohol absorbion

eat first and then consume less amounts and try to stick to either beer or liquor both is a mess waiting to happen with large quantities that is.

There is only ONE thing that reduces the effects of alcohol and that is the PASSAGE OF TIME.

NOTHING else will do it. No food, no coffee, no water. Coffee won't sober you up, it'll just make you a more wide awake drunk.

By the way, how you 'feel' and how drunk you ARE have nothing to do with one another. How drunk you are is determined by blood alcohol level. You might feel perfectly OK and be legally intoxicated.

If you plan on drinking five beers and want to stay sober, space them an hour apart or more.

dont drink

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