In your opinion, how often does one have to drink to be classified an alcholic?!

Question: I'm not sure. I get drunk pretty much every night. I am an alcoholic.

I go to work every day and after work no matter how much I try, I can't refuse a drink.

I'm not under the influence at work and don't even crave alcohol there, but when I get alone, I get intoxicated.

I would say that a person who can't refuse alcohol on a daily basis is an alcoholic (like me).

Answers: I'm not sure. I get drunk pretty much every night. I am an alcoholic.

I go to work every day and after work no matter how much I try, I can't refuse a drink.

I'm not under the influence at work and don't even crave alcohol there, but when I get alone, I get intoxicated.

I would say that a person who can't refuse alcohol on a daily basis is an alcoholic (like me).

I have an uncle who is an alcoholic. He works and doesn't drink all week, but man when the weekend comes around look out. I think that if each time you drink you get drunk there's a problem.

There's no set amount. It just has to be enough that it's interfering with your life and your relationships.

For me it comes to choice........if someone cannot go through a day without the NEED for alcohol, then I suppose that's it in a nutshell for me.
There is a difference in having a wine with your meal etc or social drinking,but when your body actually needs the HIT that's when I class it as ALCOHOLIC.....

alcoholic means you can't stop. So stop drinking. If you can go a week, then HAVE TO HAVE a drink, you're an alcoholic. If you can go a week, go anothe rweek, and another. If you can go w/o a drink, you're not an Alky.

When it gets to the point that you start showing withdrawal symptoms whenever you DON'T drink...

Or when you start becoming abusive - or a burden - to your family.

I think it has more to do with why you drink than how much you drink.
If you drink when you are sad or to unwind then there is a good chance you are an alchoholic.

anytime before 3 pm is alcoholic ish

i have one or two pint's of beer almost daily i'm not an alcoholic.
But for some individuals this is way too much.
Most medical advise says two drinks a day is ok

Every day. But it's not about the frequency of consumption. You're an alcoholic when you need to drink to stay at a level where you're comfortable, and able to function in the world. And alcoholic is physically and mentally dependant on alcohol, they stay drunk all the time and so drink every day. But if you find that you drink alot, and function and feel that you function when you are experiencing the effects of alcohol then you might be on your way to alcoholism.

I.M.O. Its when it starts interfering with relationships and every day life. I don't really think there's a "set amount".

This is a bogus question.

Brief definition of an alcoholic and signs to tell if you are one:

1. You need alcohol to make it through your day.
2. It causes problems at work.
3. It causes problems with family/friends.
4. It is a financial burden.

There is no real way to say how much or how often. I was drinking 6 days a week for a while there, I know drink maybe for 4. It isn't a burden on my me. It doesn't cause problems at work. I usually have one or two while watching TV at night and I am done. I enjoy the taste of beer and love looking for new imports and micros. I'm a hobbyist drinker not an alcoholic.

youv'e got it wrong, its not how much somone drinks, it matters if there addicted to it or not.

the danger is not how often but how much. If someone drinks only once a week or month, but when they do they go until they can't drink anymore or kill bottle after bottle, then there's a genuine health risk.

In my opinion,I don't think it is how often they drink it is whether they are able to say when before they get to drunk.
look up the site below and this should help you out.

Only once if you can't put it down and walk away from it.

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