What's the difference between 'beer' and 'lager'?!


What's the difference between 'beer' and 'lager'?

lager is nasty foreign fizzy stuff,but beer is for the real drinker.
many studies have been carried out about "Beer" and it has been determined that the main reasons for drinking "Beer" is to make women, chicken donner kebabs and fighting more atractive on friday and saturday evenings.
Try an experiment this weekend with some of your closer friends,
experiment 1/ drink several "Pints" of "Beer" at a local public house (you will find them in high streets all over the UK,they can be distinguished from shops by several large and agressive men standing outside checking people for drugs then confiscating them and reselling them to thier mates) go in and drink ,when drunk look around you and notice how all the mingers look like catwalk models,notice how your chat up lines have improved .keep a note of this in your text books.
Go to the local kebeb house ( they can be distinguished from normal shops by all the rubbish outside and several large men in the gutter hitting each other ) notice how you will want to get involved by "Putting the boot in" note this in your text books. order a large chicken donner ,chips and glare uncontrolably at the mouth watering kebab as it revolves in the spit dripping colesterol filled fat all over your pitta bread,
consume the said kebab and then deposit the wrapper through your neigbours letter box later that evening. Deposit the contents of your stomach in or around the toilet bowl and go to bed with that catwalk model you picked up earlier,The next morning you will notice how she has changed,almost metamorphasised into a large blotchy porker with bad breath and matted hair.Keep a note of this in your exersise books.

Always wondered about this myself....good question.

It's in the making or brewing.Different type of yeast. One ferments on the top of the liguid or wort the other ferments at the bottom.

Nothing at all they are both the same thing

Beer is the collective noun for the drink, lager ales lites etc.
If you ask for a beer, they will give you one of the above!

Beer is a general catch all term for fermented grain beverage. It then gets further divided into Lagers and Ales. The main difference between the two is Ales are fermented by "top" yeast that ferment faster and Lagers are fermented by "bottom" yeast that take about half a year to ferment (octoberfest was traditionally for when the lagers were finished fermenting everyone would celebrate by drinking them).

One's as weak as pee, the other IS pee ! ! !

lager is mostly chemicals and beer is brewed from yeast and hops

As others have said, lager is a type of beer. The essential difference is that lager is beer that has been lagered (stored at low temperature for a period of time) but this usually follows on from using a different variety of yeast at a lower fermentation temperature.

Ale is generally fermented at normal ambient temperatures using yeast strains that crop at the top of the beer (top fermentation) and produce fruity characteristics in the beer.

Lager is fermented at low temperatures using a yeast strain that crops at the bottom (bottom fermentation) and then stored for a period (several months for the best lagers) at low temperature. The combination of the yeast and lagering produces a very clean flavour.

So ales are analogous to red wines and lagers to white wines.

There are often other differences in the type of malt and hops used too. There are also beers that use a combination of ale and lager ingredients and processing to produce hybrid brews that have characteristics of both types of beer.


Don't forget that.....

YAHOO ANSWERS IS PROBABLY THE BEST INTERNET SITE IN THE "WORLD" CAN WE ALL DRINK TO THAT! > JK < special edit to all conner-sewers of the amber nectar. Why cant the aussies spell. XXXX what does this spell?

The answer about the yeasts and top and bottom fermenting is correct also the types of hops used makes a difference. In home brewing a hop called Fuggles is popular for Ales whereas one with a german name that I can't remember is used in lagers.
Malt colours are also usually different which is why most lagers are light and ales tend to be slightly darker with Guinness using really dark malt. The taste also differs with the water used hard and soft waters are used, if I remember correctly hard waters are generally used for ales with some exceptions soft water is used for lagers. Think it's that way around.

MMmm gd thinking why it diff of beer/lager, well beer is darking than lager is lighting, and taste diff too.

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