Should i become a bartender?!


Should i become a bartender?

i am a college student and i am very unsatisfied with the pay at my current job. I was thinking that maybe i should try bartending as some girls in my class say it pays them good money. Can anyone offfer advice or tips on bartending

bartending isnt an easy job. yeah those other girls probly do make alot of money but im sure they are very good at it all i can say is for you to try it and see how you feel about it some people dont even like it once they are on the inside. i can tell you that at ne given time i know what every person in my bar is drinking, you need to know the basics of the bar b4 u even apply at one also you have to be the most friendly, out going, the fastest, most accurate of all the girls (or guys) to insure that u are making the money not them. my best advice to go to a bar on a slow to medium busy night and dont drink just obsevere the bartender and if all else fails try for waitress or a hostess of a VERY busy place that requires the waitress to tip out hope this helps remeber do your research and dont stop smiling! men and women love that

What is the worst that might happen.
you get rejected
Maybe you get sound advice on how to prepare.

Bartending is a piece of cake. I learned within 3 days, with no barback. Learn the basic drinks and garnishes and which glasses go with what drinks. Always smile and be friendly. You might have to start out as a barback to learn the ropes, but the servers and bartender will usually tip you out at the end of the night.

No, I wouldnt do it. Late hours, not enough pay.

Usually the pay is pretty good but depending on your area it can be seasonal and there are always slow nights so be ready for short pay on some nights. Also lots of bartenders fall victim to "bartenders disease" --- alcoholism.

If you are in college, and have an end goal, yeah...go for it. It is a very competitive market, and has a lot to do with who you know. Bartending is NOT a piece of cake. Drunk people can be very difficult to deal with. I have had some truly nightmarish experiences. Don't go to bartending college, whatever you do. I manage a bar now, and would never hire someone who has attended these "schools". They are a joke. Just get out and start applying, if you aren't able to find a bartending job right out of the gate, you may want to cocktail, or was already mentioned. Good Luck.

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