Hangover Help?!


Hangover Help?

I have a mild hangover from last night. Nothing bad just a stomach ache/nausea. What can help with that?

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3 weeks ago
I just ate two slices of bread and a cup of water and it went away. Thanks guys!

3 weeks ago
I just ate two slices of bread and a cup of water and it went away. Thanks guys!

Plenty of water, you need to hydrate and flush the alcohol out of your system. Vitamin B complex. Try to eat something mild, like saltines or mashed potatoes.

Fresh fruit peaches are best. Apple juice, grape juice.

And water.

Okay...your dehydrated! The best thing is to drink a lot of fluids....gatorade is the best as it replenishes lost nutrients. Water, tea, 100% juice is all very helpful. Eat things like crackers, rice, bananas, etc that are gentle on the stomach. Take Advil or Tylenol as directed. Get plenty of rest. If you are feeling puffy in the face put an ice pack on every 20 minutes. Also I have found that taking a shower/bath helps revive the senses!
Good Luck..hopefully the sickness will subside!

definitely water. youre most likely dehydrated.

For future help, buy some chaser or "activated charcoal" tablets, it's the main ingredient in chaser. If you take a couple before you drink, you still get buzzed, but the charcoal absorbs the alcohol so your liver doesn't have to, so you don't have that leftover waste making you feel crappy. Hydration is the key.

What i usually do is take a nap. Sleeping it off usually helps out.

Depends on your hangover. You didn't appear to have much of one ... so, that's good :). But, depending on your level of a hangover, you can use various methods.

The most basic is hydration and replacement. So, if you have a moderate hangover, I suggest 32 oz of Gatorade and some light working out. The Gatorade replaces vital fluids and vitamins quicker then water, while the workout will enable you to sweet some of the toxins out of your body quicker.

The next is the bad hangover. This is where you absolutly could not drive your own car home, and have a killer headache. Again, the gatorade and work outs are recommend (allthought, low impact on the work out ... if you have a headache, don't need to make it worst), and then I recomend a breakfast that includes fats and carbs, like bacon and pancakes. These will help your body tap into the fuel source quicker, and fat and carbs are best for you early in the day.

When you get to the worst level of hangover, the 'how the hell did I get home, who the hell is in my bed' level of drunk, I recommend the gatorade, and not the workout (unless your going to have a second go with whoever the hell is in your bed with you ... then, maybe). A shower, and a nap are your next best options. Food, again, should be fatty and loaded with carbs for quick energy for your body to tap into. Tylenol is recommended over other pain relievers, as it focuses on the headache specifically. Finally, I've never been one to shy away from the Hair of the Dog, so a good bloody Mary may be the perfect thing to ease you out of the hangover, even if all it is doing is reminding your body that you feel better with a little booze in you.

v8 juice always takes care of my hang overs

Water to rehydrate. After that I get a milkshake to settle my stomach. Try water/gatoraid and a couple asprin before you go to bed next time.

it went away after you ate bread because the yeast pee and poo likes to eat things of it's own kind. alcohol in the body is so gross.

banana and gatorade usually do the trick

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