What is your ultimate remedy for a hangover?!

Question: The can't get out of bed unless your making friends with the toilet type hangover.
How do you cure it?

Answers: The can't get out of bed unless your making friends with the toilet type hangover.
How do you cure it?

i drink a very cold can of DIET coke or diet irn bru and have a bar of chocolate oh and some pain killers if that doesnt work then i usually roll up in my bed .

drink alittle of what you had the night before, will make you feel loads better. hope this helps :)

Don't get drunk.that's what I do.

hare of the dog

Bacon and egg sarnie, glass of fresh orange juice

Bloody mary!

alkiseltzer classic my barber told me while cutting my hair...still drunk, he was fine by the time he was done

Like the very 1st person said... Drink a lil of what you had the night before. Sounds crazy but it actually helps!
and then drink lots and lots of water. That's what i do.

The all time cure for a hangover the next morning is pinapple juice, yes, it will dry out your hangover.But most of all, when we all drink to extremes, it depletes our liver of sugar.So eat something sweet and drink the juice the next morning.Also plenty of water.

Make friendship with a very decent girl.

If you can't face a full english breakfast then eat a bar of chocolate and as much water as you can manage and go back to sleep for an hour and you will feel brand new.the choc should replace the sugars you have lost. it works for me, but if you dont feel better then you will just have to wait till next day when you know you will def feel better!! and no doubt you wont drink that much again, TILL THE NEXT TIME!!!!

call into work the next day, drink lots of orange juice, stay in bed and keep the lights off, quiet and sleep till you are hydrated and your brain recovers. take an anti inflamitory like ibuprofen.

Don't drink :)
Drink water in between each alcoholic drink
Take Advil before you go to bed
Eat something greasy that night or first thing in the a.m.

for those of you who missed this one already it is for the hard core drinker hangover get a juice glass 3oz vodka 1 raw egg workes every time but the best way is just don't drink that is what i do now

coffee and then go eat something greasy. Don't know why it works but it does.

DON'T DRINK TO EXCESS!! Water, Fresh Pineapple Juice, Vitamin B complex tablets and more water. Not all together. These are either or solutions. Maybe some water!!

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