Are there any places in the US where you can legally drink at age 18??!

Question: Someone told me you can in New Orleans??

Answers: Someone told me you can in New Orleans??


For a while in the 80s some states lowered their drinking age, but too many teenagers wound up dying in DWI related wrecks, so there was a lot of political pressure to raise the drinking age. Congress does not have the power to raise the drinking age, but they do have the power to give out federal highway funds.... so they made a federal law that said no federal highway funds will be given to any state that did not have 21 as the legal drinking age. Viola! the drinking age became 21 nationwide in about a month.

In New Orleans you can do whatever you want because the the bar owners want your money, and the cops are crooked and lazy, and so are their bosses. All sorts of things that are illegal get done in New Orleans because they just don' t enforce the law. Now if you want to go and be a drunk teenage girl in a place where they just don't enforce the law... well thats up to you, but it doesn't strike me as a terribly wise move.


Bahamas, China, other countries.

Not US

join the army.

No thats wrong.
In Britain it is legal
to drink at 18.

Nope, 21 is the legal age everywhere.

not in the US unless you do it illegally. canada i think you can legally drink at 18

Not in the US. Got a Canadian border near you?

to the poster who said join the army: no joining the army will, or any branch of service for that matter, will let you drink before the age of 21.

To be honest, I don't think there ARE any places where you can drink legally at 18 in the U.S.

YES!!!!! In the privacy of your own house.. Just get somebody to buy you the alcohol.

at ur home with ur parents, no where else, and u can't drive or drink very much

probably not because this is a national law so this is in effect everywhere you could drink at somplace where the police dont see you lol (not the best idea)


No, the federal government will withhold any road money it might have given to the states if their PUBLIC drinking age drops below 21.

However, in PRIVATE and with PARENTS PERMISSION, it is legal in most states to drink at any age.

Not anywhere is legal in the US...but in Windsor, Canada you can be 19, and in Cancun, Mexico you only have to be 18

Nope not in the good ole US of A. But I believe you can drink wine or beer if your 18 on a cruise ship but not hard liquor.


From what I have heard you can drink in New Orleans at age 19 not 18. I heard the government threatened to take away their highway money, but they would have made more money off of alcohol then what congress would give them or something like that.

You could at one point, but I don't think you can any more. During Mardi Gras there was a time where you could smoke pot right beside the cops & they wouldn't care but a lot of things have changed. I used to live there before Katrina hit. I have heard of places around Miami that you could.

The Embassies of countries that have 18 as the age. ...and Quebec Canada, so if you live in a boarder state it's worth the trip.

18 in Australia. Never quite understood the 21 thing. At 18 you are legally considered an adult in Australia.
Is it the same in the U.S. or is it 21 for that too.
If you are legally an adult at 18 in the US, I dont understand how the law can stop an adult drinking.

Nope!! Any other country though :) sorry!

I heard that in New York you can drink without regard to your age under certain conditions: your parents buy you the drink, sever it to you and ask you to drink it.

If you have a boat just get out of US waters and i think its legal.

Go to the south or any hick state where you can marry your cousin.

no there isn't. you either have to go to mexico or canada. now that i think about it, canada might be 19.

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