Tell me why I shouldn't crack open this bud light!?!


Tell me why I shouldn't crack open this bud light!?

I'm about to start chugging

There are no good reasons. Chug away!!

I say do it.


You'll get fat and sleep with a stinky bum down by the river.

y not

Light? Full fat flavor is best. Other than that...have a ball baby!I'm about ready to say:high" to mother nature myself soon!:)

No reason, go for it, and enjoy it.

Damnitt!, cant you wait for me ? 4 more hours at work grrrrr

Because it's a watery, poor excuse for beer. Try a porter instead!

Go for it, just know when to stop..Have a good time.

I cannot think of one reason not to. Cheers!

Open it

You should not open that bud light cuz you're driving? Cuz it's your last one? Cuz you have an alcohol intolerance and your doctor told you if you drink one beer you'll die then your kids will be raised by your brother-in-law and you know what kind of person HE is.

because is that what you want to do on your saturday night, get drunk all by yourself off of *shudder* bud light? if getting drunk is what you're after, try something else. if having something that tastes good is what you're after, still try something else. bud light is disgusting!!

Don't crack it open!! It might spill and that would be alcohol abuse!!! Open cautiously, carefully, and Chug-A-Lug!! Make sure its not your last one, first!!!

Because it's really weak near-frozen gnat urine.

BECAUSE IM NOT THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOL, if you have to ask, then you must be underaged!
so if thats the case, then, because it is illegal.
are you doing it because of peer pressure? not good enough to chug....
to be cool....still not good enough
you want to get drunk.........i don't think one will do
your depressed........alcohol is actually a depressant
on a dare.......what would the consequences be?
Now, if your of age, thirsty and just want it.....CHUG AWAY

Because it's the rotten juice run-off of past-their prime wheat and hops and when plants and fruits rot (aka ferment) that's nature's way of saying don't eat it it and alcohol is poison and being drunk is really just being poisoned and it's bad for your liver and usually just weak people drink alcohol and it's an affront to life itself to not live it purely and with a clear mind. So there!

Drink it to your health

Because it's grosss...go get some New Castle :)

I can't think of one good reason not to bust that baby wide open.

You should try growing up. I hear all the kids are doing it.

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