Best home remedy for super hang overs?!


Best home remedy for super hang overs?

any easy remedy that can help make u stop feeling like crap and stop throwing up

Don't drink

I need to know this answer too, lol.

drink more... no lol umm one raw egg in blender with tomato juice and celery or drink tomato juice with 2 onces of tequila or 6 8 oz. of watter and a Tylenol i have a drunk for a dad and have to help him........

First of all you can stop a hangover from occurring. If you know you have had a lot to drink, eat a pickle before you go to bed. For some reason this really works. If it is the next morning, eat something with bread, take two ibruprofen with lots of water. I find the general rule of thumb is your hangover symptoms will not completely subside until 12 hours after you finished your last drink.

the ONLY remidy is time. it takes 1 hour to digest 1 drink that you drank so if you had 3 drinks then you will have a 3 hour hang over. and there is NO other ways to help. there are a lot of myths of this but NONE of them is rue. the only thing that helps is TIME

How about a taco? I know, that was mean-sorry. Really the only thing that works is hair of the dog-drink some more of what caused the hangover or try to sleep it off. Alka Seltzer works for me sometimes too.

take "chaser" pills while your drink. You can get them at any of the big drug stores, also mix in water between drinks and avoid smoking.

eat something before you go to bed.
that is the key.
a chicken melt from steak and shake ALWAYS helps me!


My best remedy is Alka-Selzer and 2 Excedrin.

Before you go to bed, always drink a big glass of water. When you wake up, drink Gatorade and take an aspirin product that has caffeine in it (Goody's, Excedrin, etc). If you're throwing up, drop Alka Seltzer tabs into the Gatorade, that should calm your stomache down.

Getting as much water absorbed into your body as possible is the key!

Ok, seriously, drink like 1/2 a beer. That always makes me feel better (although I usually do something like a bloody mary). Also, try to rehydrate yourself. The quicker you can get fluids and electrolytes back in to your system the better you will feel. Try a low sugar electrolyte replacement drink like Gookinade (found at REI and other "outdoorsy" stores). I usually mix up a pitcher of that the night before I start drinking and have it in the fridge, and drink some before I pass out (if I remember). Also, try to take some Tylenol when you go to sleep after you drink, that helps.

And P.S. It can take up to 2.5 hours to digest one drink, not one hour. Jeeze.

You shouldn't drink that much to get a hangover.
Anyway, sounds gross but taking one tablespoon of olive oil first thing when you get up helps any liquids stay down. Don't know why this works but it really does!
Stay safe and good luck!!!

Before going to bed take an Advil and drink a glass of OJ, it will help you a little the next morning..and saying "I will never drink again" also makes you feel better ;)

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