A question for alcoholics: How much do you drink on average?!
A question for alcoholics: How much do you drink on average?
And please be honest. On average I go through a 1.75 L bottle of 40% vodka a week. I drink most of it on the weekends though. I don't think I'm an alcoholic because that's like 5.5 drinks a day. Am I an alcoholic?
PS: It's Saturday night and I'm really buzzed. Thank god for spell checker on Firefox! LOL
I've been sober for almost 9 years in AA. I don't drink anymore. But when I did, I drank a similar amount to what you describe. I guess the last few years it was a little bit more, but I'm a small woman and for me it was a lot. Bottom line was I got drunk a lot and it f'd up my life in a big way. I'm so glad to be sober now.
As to whether or not you're an alcoholic . . . people who don't have a problem never wonder if they do.
I'm not alcoholic, but closely associated with a few.
Your drinking isn't a red flag, it's what happens if you don't.
Also, if your drinking is causing any kind of trouble in your life.
Two rules to avoid drinking problems:
Don't drink in patterns - so no regular weekend blackouts
Don't drink alone.
If you live by these two rules, you'll be fine.
I only drink beer, and I never miss work---and I'm immune to hangovers. Yet according to the little questionnaires, I am an alcoholic.
I can easily drink 20+ 12 oz beers in an evening, and wake up chipper as hell. If YOU are an alkie, I'm a MEGA alkie.
I tend to think I'm unique in the equation. I drink only to get drunk, but I only do so if I feel like it, maybe 1-3 days a week. I'd drink much less if I had to "pay" for it, but I don't.
BTW-----I am a 46 yr old F.
Well, if you are worried about the amount of alcohol you drink you should probably slow down. and if you NEED the alcohol you have a problem.
Before I quit, i drank about a fifth of vodka a day.
anywhere from 8 to 16 cans of 12oz beers a night...
I drink whenever I don't have to work graveyard shift, like i am right now. I don't count so I don't know but around 50 beers a week, a bottle of liquor and one night at bar which is way to much probably another 20 drinks. If you think you have a problem u should probably cut back and if you can't, then you know u have a problem!! have one for me cuz i'm stuck at work
This time Kobe you can give me the double salute. I'm only a beer drinker. But I average a case of beer a day, I read your question of always flipping out. Don't flip out on me dude or your flipping day's will be finished, But on a more serious note. The only time I flip out is when somebody takes my beer. I rather they take my wife.
It sounds like you drink for fun or when your really bored or lonely. Most alcoholics don't change up their drinking habits thru-out the week to fit in work or family.
I use to consume a 750-80% SoCo bottle every other day. I stocked up on the stuff and hid it from my man for 1 1/2 years. When i would go out I drank 13 shots of tequila and chase them down with beer. When i tried to quit, i got sick from trying to get drunk from mouthwash. Then without alcohol i couldn't be myself and would down pills. I'm clean now.
When you are aware and ask questions about alcoholism -- its a good thing. Keep yourself aware and don't ever think your drinking is ok if someone else it telling you otherwise. Good luck.