Store cognac in the freezer?!
Answers: I prefer my drinks cold, and I was wondering if storing my Courvosieur in the freezer would be improper or damaging to the experience of the cognac.
The freezing point of alcohol is well below your freezer's capabilities. I keep mine in the freezer so that is does not have to be chilled when I get ready to have a swig. I dont have to mmix it with ice at all and it is nice, cold, and smooth, just they way I like it! The freezer is just keeping it very chilled.
it will not freeze due to the level of alcohol so put it in the freezer and enjoy it cold without having to water it down with ice
Storing cognac in the freezer will keep it cold but it will dilute the natural flavor of the liquor. Cognac is best kept at room temperature to enjoy all of the flavor.
Cognac straight should be ok, but if you put hypnotiq, or Alize in the freezer it will freeze and bottle could possibly break
hell na just make it easier to swallow