Do you drink to get drunk?!

Question: Does this make you an alcoholic? Some people have a drink to get a little buzz and some people hit the club with the intention to get wasted........You?

Answers: Does this make you an alcoholic? Some people have a drink to get a little buzz and some people hit the club with the intention to get wasted........You?

depends on the time place and the mood I'm in
but usually i drink as much as i can to where i can still control myself. drunk makes people look stupid. believe me I'm a witness and a participant

i hit the club, drink, have fun........... and crawl home ;-)

And, Im NOT an Alcoholic :)

to get drunk but latley i have been trying not to do that, it isn't healthy.

gettin drunk means you dont want to remember what happen and getti buzz is just enjoying urself as for me i like both depending if i am home or out

Ah the only thing better than Good Beer is Good Beer with Great company. I enjoyed having great conversations at my local when I was in the UK and I'd have a pint with the folks was talking with. Getting drunk was not the goal but after a few conversations it was the result.

PS if you ever wind up in Beck Row, Check out the Rose and Crown, they have an outstanding Lamb roast on sundays.

That's called socially drinking. It depends on how often they go. I go to the club, or party every weekend, drink, get a buzz, sometimes crawl home ;-) lol and I am not an alcoholic.

I don't drink to get drunk- I hate the feeling of being sick!!

Sometimes having those extra drinks just takes your mind off of what is bothering you. When I was in my younger years, it was cool to get drunk with your friends. Now that I am older......(35, btw)I drink to socialize but some days you just know that getting "drunk" will takes things off your mind for a few hours. But the next TWO days when you are recovering with a huge hangover, you'll have time to stress again.

An alcoholic is someone who HAS to have a drink everyday. Not someone who needs to have a stress reliever once and while.

i dont drink iam in recovery but when i drank i got drunk every time

Binge drinking is what most people do, its getting drunk on the weekends or one day a week and getting totally smashed. Going out to get drunk would be binge drinking if your doing this constantly by yourself and almost everday or need a drink everyday i think that would be an alcoholic. But if u dont have to drink i think ur safe.

i drink til life is totally rad.

sometimes i drink cos i enjoy the taste
sometimes i drink to get f**ked up

I don't think that really makes someone an alcoholic unless they're drinking alone or overdo it, like all the time. I don't drink to the point where I'm sick, have a hangover or black out.. That's too much!

By wasted do you mean still know what happened the night before or total "black out" not knowing where you are even if you are in your bed with your car outside still running

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