Can u get drunk???..?!


Can u get drunk???..?

can u get drunk if u drink 3 beers and about one shot of hard liquor???

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3 weeks ago
i drank 3 beers in about less than 20 min and 3 shots of hard liquor and weight 120 that was my first time drinking so then did i get drunk i think i did but idk

3 weeks ago
i drank 3 beers in about less than 20 min and 3 shots of hard liquor and weight 120 that was my first time drinking so then did i get drunk i think i did but idk

Yes. This is possible. There are certain factors involved with how quickly, or how little alcohol is required to make you woozy.

1. What type, and how much food is in your belly when you drink, and how recently you ate the food. Normally, drinking on an empty stomach will increase your chances of getting drunk quicker. The type of food you eat also has a lot to do with it.

2. Your own metabolism and alcohol tolerance. If your metabolism is high, you will get drunk, but you won't stay drunk for very long. Your metabolism will process the alcohol through your body quicker. Also, if you are a first time drinker, you will get drunk sometimes from one or two beers. This is because your body has no tolerance for alcohol. People who have been drinking heavily, consistently for many years require much more alcohol to get drunk.

3. What you drink. Normally, the higher the sugar content of the drink, the quicker you get drunk. Sugar increases alcohol's potency. Most popular beers have higher sugar content, due to the normally bitter taste of beer, with this bitterness minimized by sugar, the beer sells more, because it tastes better. Tropical drinks, boat drinks, daquris, all have higher sugar content. The customers get drunk quicker, the bar doesn't have to shell out as much alcohol, therefore they make more money, and everyone is happy.

4. Mixing beer with liquor. This is the quickest way to get drunk. Doing shots while drinking beer, etc.

Just remember, drink responsibly. Give someone your car keys if you know you are going to have a wild night.

Many college parties

Sure. Throw in a snort or two of coke and you got yourself a party.

Ya i did

Yeah if you are a lightweight and chug it in about 15 minutes.

Sure it's possible, it depends on the persons body weight and tolerance.


I don't know about drunk but if you down all those fast, you will get a good buzzzzzzz anyways !!!

yes. it depends on how likely your body is to getting drunk.

It depends on your build and your tolerance to alcohol, but for a girl I'd say yeh, and if not really drunk then tipsy at the least

well...yes... it actually depends on how u r built up. if u can drink tons... then no but if u cant...then no.

yeah if u r a small person and didnt eat any thing all day u can start to feel reallly good and if u drank the beers really fast, and the shot in between the beers

maybe you can but it will take more than that for me.


it depends on your tolerance level and your weight and sex. Women tend to have a lower tolerance level then men. And if you drink on an empty stomach.
3 beers and 1 shot of liquor would have me feeling drunk and i probably am about average tolerance, moderate drinker 130 lb woman. Some people might be wasted at that point if they weigh less, didnt eat anything, hardly drink. If your a larger male who drinks regularly you might not even have a slight buzz .

no even i never take tea how come i will get drunk

thats abt jst enough for a light weight drinker.

You can get drunk on 1 beer. It depends on your system. Some people are more sensitive to alcohol than others.

depends on the time you take to do it along with the usual factors of tolerence and body mass.

If you drink them all in a short period then you most certainly will be drunk.

My mother could ........ she just has to sniff a bottle of plonk and she's gibbering.

Me personally no.

It takes more than that for me to get drunk.

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