How can I drink a glass of wine and not get a headache?!

Question: I've heard of drinking a glass of water with it. But the tannins in the wine are so strong for me with one sip i get a bad headache. The bad thing is i'm italian and I love a glass of wine with dinner.

Answers: I've heard of drinking a glass of water with it. But the tannins in the wine are so strong for me with one sip i get a bad headache. The bad thing is i'm italian and I love a glass of wine with dinner.

Studies have shown that a glass of wine a day have as little as 1/2 the death rate as abstainers or heavy drinkers, so this is good, LDL are good in red, less diabetic complications for those who also drink wine. The Tannins are caused by chemical compounds found in the wine, from the wine making process or from the actual grape. Drink a low tannin red such as Gamay or Pinot Noir or drink WHITE wine.

drink white instead of Red

pretend like you're drinking grape juice.

Go for whites or blushes. Red has more tannic acid causing headaches.
Being Italian has nothing to do with either loving or disliking a glass of wine.

try a lighter wine, yes you need to drink water about 30 minutes before also if it is a sweet wine perhaps your sugar level is up hmmm but go with a lighter wine instead.


Take a tylonal before you drink or eat a peice of bread before.

I've found the better the wine, the lesser chance of headache/hangover. Just my experience! Maybe that will help!

you are sensitive or allergic to it. White wine will be less toxic, but your body probably can't deal with wine well. Be glad, you won't be a wino!

I tried finger lake wines and find out they have less sulphur and they do not give me headache. I order from goose watch winery online.

stop drinking. You are giving in to a stereotype that all italians do drink which is not true. Be yourself and dont live up to what others expect of you.

Don't drink it.

drink grape juice and pretend it's wine!

you could try half water half wine. to see if that may help. cause then you are not getting the full acohol. that is what my friend had to do in order to drink wine it worked for her.

i know the answer to this: drink organic wines only. the reason you get headaches is due to sulphates and preservatives and other stuff that was sprayed on the grapes, it's all mixed in there. try organic wines and you will notice a difference. try eco wines for example, or my favorite is called golden crown and it's from a winery called four chiminies (sp) in the great lakes region. they also have one called jester's blush... they are on keuka lake i think.

try to watch what youre eating throughout the day. watch out for foods and drinks that the alcohol might trigger. if you are taking pain medications such as vicodent or ibuprofen, it is extremely dangerous to drink any alcoholic beverage. try to drink a lot of water throughout the day to flush anything out of your system before you take a drink. and also try to only drink one glass of wine per day. also, try a wine that does not have as high of an alchohol content as the one that you are currently drinking.

Try finding Organic wine. I have heard that people that typically have problems drinking your average glass of red wine have a much reduced or not reaction to Organic wine.

check this site out:


We all can't have what we want. Why drink it when you know it will give you a headache? Like me I have a heart condition and know there are foods I like , but can't eat and diabetics. But you are going ahead and doing it anyway????===

I also got a major headache from drinking just a small glass of wine but only red wines. It's not the tannins in the wine that causes headaches but sulfides and they are only in red wines. I suggest either switching to a white wine or try making your own red wine at home. Homemade wine contains no sulfides.

drink it slowly with water

Drink only white wine

If the tannins are what is causing your headache, you can't avoid that.

Lower tannin wines aren't red, they're white. You can try those. What you describe sounds more like "Red wine headache" and usually occurs pretty quickly.

BTW, loose leaf black teas have a lot of tannins, you probably can't handle those well either.

Many people get headaches when consuming red wine. Until recently the headaches were believed to be from red wine's sulfites, however research shows it is actually a group of chemicals known as biogenic amines.....
Maybe try white wine.

It is the nitrates in the wine causing them. Read that they now producing red wine without it. White wine is probably your only option till it is more plentiful on the market.

Drink two glasses of wine.

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