Do you get drunk faster if you drink your alocoholic bevy with a straw?!

Question: Yes. I was given a very lengthy explanation by a chemical engineer about alcohol and blood vessels, surface tension, and things of that nature. This was all very exciting and I promptly forgot it as I chose to continue drinking from my glass sans straw.

Since I don't remember the details, research provides a beer-centric answer:
It is indeed correct that when you drink beer with a straw you get drunk faster compared to when you drink beer in a regular way. When creating a vacuum while sucking on the straw, the boiling point of alcohol drops (in normal circumstances 79 degrees Centigrade) and alcohol vapours are created in the straw. These vapours are inhaled in the lungs, and via that way the alcohol gets into the blood much faster than the alcohol that ends up in the stomach by drinking it the normal way.
Moreover, beer gets into the mouth by means of a straw in very narrow jets, as a result of which it has a larger surface in the oral cavity. As a result of this more alcohol can evaporate before it is swallowed. The palate (with a loot of blood circulation inside) already absorbs part of the alcohol vapours. Also this is a shorter way for the alcohol to get into the blood and to make you drunk faster.
When drinking the same amount of beer the effects on one’s health remain the same whether you drink the beer in a normal way or with a straw, provided that one gets drunk faster when drinking with a straw. The total amount of alcohol does not change.


Answers: Yes. I was given a very lengthy explanation by a chemical engineer about alcohol and blood vessels, surface tension, and things of that nature. This was all very exciting and I promptly forgot it as I chose to continue drinking from my glass sans straw.

Since I don't remember the details, research provides a beer-centric answer:
It is indeed correct that when you drink beer with a straw you get drunk faster compared to when you drink beer in a regular way. When creating a vacuum while sucking on the straw, the boiling point of alcohol drops (in normal circumstances 79 degrees Centigrade) and alcohol vapours are created in the straw. These vapours are inhaled in the lungs, and via that way the alcohol gets into the blood much faster than the alcohol that ends up in the stomach by drinking it the normal way.
Moreover, beer gets into the mouth by means of a straw in very narrow jets, as a result of which it has a larger surface in the oral cavity. As a result of this more alcohol can evaporate before it is swallowed. The palate (with a loot of blood circulation inside) already absorbs part of the alcohol vapours. Also this is a shorter way for the alcohol to get into the blood and to make you drunk faster.
When drinking the same amount of beer the effects on one’s health remain the same whether you drink the beer in a normal way or with a straw, provided that one gets drunk faster when drinking with a straw. The total amount of alcohol does not change.


yes, you intake more faster

Drinking more alcohol helps.

Apparently, this is true but I can't remember why. It's not to do with drinking faster though.

drink it out of a funnel.

yes, i have heard.

People say this is true, but in my experience i havent noticed any difference.

you bet! and even quicker if you drink it from a saucer like a cat

yeah hic

Theoretically no, however you;re unlikely to fulfil all the sensors in the mouth and so the quenching effect is lessened and thus .... you drink more.

Be your own best friend, try not to over do it.

No. It happens quicker when you drink from a glass or bottle. Some alcohol gets absorbed into the blood stream through the tongue. The rest has to get into your gut before it is absorbed. A straw will bypass the tongue.

no...if you don't eat anything before you drink you will get more drunk faster though...smoke some weed afterward too

No, silly, it is the total amount of alcohol over a period of time that determines how drunk you are.

Not really, I usually drank the first few drinks to fast for a straw to do any good. You always slow down after you are nice and fluthered. Excess leads to distress. Think things over a little before making terrible mistakes.

Only because you can drink it faster through a straw..mainly because you bypass most of the taste recptors in your mouth.

Try drinking beer as fast as a coke...the flavors make you slow down.

Many people claim that it is true due to the fact that you are mixing more oxygen in with the alcohol when ingesting. This is the principle behind vaporizing martinis and other drinks and would make sense if we used our stomachs for breathing.

At one time I believed this to be possible, so I tried it and found no noticeable difference. On top of that there is no scientific proof behind the theory.

No didnt with me when i was younger


I've heard that it's true and then I've heard that it isn't. I think that you drink faster when you drink through a straw. And drinking faster will make you drunk faster.

Some of the answers are nearly right, you will get drunk faster because you take in more air into your stomach with the alcohol.

The air increases the rate in which the alcohol is absorbed, alcohol is one of the few substance which is absorbed into the bloodstream from the stomach, without waiting for it to pass through into the small intestine.

oh **** yah it does

UR drinking alcohol, yes... you will still be getting drunk, either way.

Yes. It appears that it speeds up absorbtion.

yes you intake more and you take it in faster

yes and no!

you will get the sensation of being drunk (light headedness, nausea) but not actually be drunk. as you drink through a straw you are starving your brain of oxygen, which produces the same feelings. its also like drowning, the felling of inhibition and slight euphoria, i dont recommend it though cos if you drown you tend to be dead.

keep up the good drinking

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