Do you like beer from a bottle?!

Question: or poured into a pint glass?

Answers: or poured into a pint glass?

From a glass

To start with it's more hygienic and put bluntly, only working class riff-raff drink direct from the bottle.

Ian M


Pour in glass, release the gas. If it's a decent brew, you can appreciate the yummy aroma as well. Looks better too.

Whatevers available, but brew in a glass poured from a bottle is good too.


Would you be insulted if I said poured over my naked body, while I am singing a country and western song called
"How can I kiss the lips at night, that chew out my *** all day"...

A beer should always be poured. It agitates the carbonation, releasing aroma/flavor and the head protects the beer from oxygen.

You should alway decant or pour out a beer. No matter if its a full ale or rich porter - even a domestic lager like miller or bud. This releases the carbonation and encourages slight oxidation. Also the bouquet of a beer should have room to breathe much as a wine does. It can do this much more efficiently out of the mouth of a pint glass rather than the narrow neck of a beer bottle.

i must be a redneck chick, i like my beer from a can!

Pouring beer into a glass allows the beer to breath and open up. In this sense beer and wine have alot in common. When you taste something you only taste the salt, bitter, sweet and sour, but when you allow something to open up and appreciate the aromatics, you are smelling hundreds of different pour and truly enjoy.

Out of the bottle unless I am at a pub or have friends in to visit.

from the bottle, it makes it taste better just like drinking coke from a glass bottle

Out of a bottle! Only sissies need to put it in glasses!

bottle is better than a can but when given choice of bottle or draft its draft

It really depends, like I love Hornsby's Hard Cider straight from the bottle, and most ales. Guinness on the other hand has got to be poured in a glass, otherwise you don't get the full effect of the foam!

I like both but when in a club or bar it's safer to drink straight from the bottle.

I prefer frozen pint glasses-EXCELLENT!

bottle but i pefer
10oz can

Depends on the beer.

If I have my druthers, I druther it in a frozen mug.

From a glass. Never lose your good manners.

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