Why do people?!


Why do people?

Why do teens like to get drunk?

Mainly, peer pressure. They think they have to fit in with whatever their friends are doing. The other option is that they enjoy the "drunk" sensation, or are actually addicted to alcohol and refuse to face their addiction.


they like to be followers not leaders,so whoever their loser cool leader is they follow

cuz theyre so russian, n its in theyre blood,,
everyones doing, might as well

Cuz its friday night!!! and if u respect me ull have a corona

Cuz it's illegal to drink.

probaly because everyone else is doing it and they think it's cool

because they think its cool

I dont!!

Because they haven't overdosed on heroin, been addicted to crack, or lost all their hair in a meth lab explosion...they'll learn eventually to lay off the booze, it leads to car crashes and hard core drugs...Got Beer?

Well it is a thing for them to do . Many teens do it because their friends are doing it. and some of them like to rebel against their parents. I know when I was teen , teenager just did it to have a good time. they have parties and get drunked.
Also some of them because peer pressure.

That's a great question, as they are actually making themselves sick. I think that they get some sort of thrill by doing something forbidden to them. Of course, they also have their peers telling them how cool it is and how much they like it and how fun it all is. Personally, I've always thought it was a case of the emperor having no clothes. Nobody wants to be the one who says it's stupid.

There have also been studies done that seem to suggest that the teenager brain, for the most part, is lacking in the ability to make reasoned decisions. I've always thought that if alcohol could be avoided until the mid 20s, alcoholism would pretty much no longer exist as a condition.

Drunks are so amusing to everyone else. Enjoy this youtube of a drunk guy...it's hilarious

cause they're rich *** white kids who have nothing better to do than to party in order to "appear" "cool"

i mean... what the hell is "cool?"

I don't drink, but I know a lot of underage people who do...I think it makes them feel cool to get drunk...perhaps, they are bored or feel they need the alcohol to help loosen themselves up...some people probably succumb to peer pressure...I think different teens drink for different reasons...additionally, they see celebs on t.v. drink underage without getting in trouble for it...even though the majority of college students are underage, it's pretty much an accepted practice for them to get drunk...perhaps, the worst problem is drunk teens who get on the road and kill either themselves or other innocent people...I have no problem with people who are of the correct age and drink in moderation, as long as they don't get on the road...OH, and I also wanted to note that there would probably be a lot fewer fat college students with beer bellies, if they didn't drink!!!

cuz its "cool" and to be popular *rolls eyes*

They think it's cool, peer pressure. They don't know yet the damage alcohol does.

Because they think they are cool and are drinking "underage" also peer pressure and friends "make" them drink. Stupid...very glad I am out of the teen years.

I'm not a teen but I enjoy an upscale beer now and then such as steel reserve.

its the act of not being caught and trying to find some one to buy it for them. just watch American Graffiti

Because its illegal to drink at their age

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