Is it drink beer then Liquor, or Liquor then Beer???!


Is it drink beer then Liquor, or Liquor then Beer???

I have heard both ways and I want to know witch one is the real one so I don't end up with a really really bad hangover befor a huge test on Wednesday in Algebra Class.
Which one is it and WHY?????

i have heard it both ways too, but, "liquor before beer and you're in the clear" makes more sense. If your drinking beer first and your body is accustomed to the alcohol percentage in the beer and then all of a sudden you hit it with the higher alcohol concentration in liquor then you take your body by surprise.

Also, dont drink on an empty stomach, don't mix your liquor and don't keep drinking if you got a really good buzz going on because the only thing beyond that really good buzz is sloppy drunk and no one wants to see you go there!

Never forget that eating helps to absorb alcohol and keeps you in the game longer.

The best way for you to go is DO NOT DRINK the night before a big test, WHY? Because your brain will be slower and will not be as functional as it would be if you didn't drink!

if you have to go to the party then you're excuse for not drinking (1-2 drinks should be okay) at the party can be either that

1) you're the designated driver or
2) you have to get up at 6am in the morning for work or
3) your taking medication because youre sick and your not supposed to drink with that medication

I'm a seasoned college student and a seasoned drinker with self-control as well.

Drink Milk.

a - never mix your drinks

b - don't drink the night before a test

a + b = good algebra test result!

beer before liquor, you've never been sicker,
liquor before beer, you're in the clear.

Never mix your liquors. If you start with beer, then stick with beer. If drinking mixed drinks, don't switch to beer. Pick one drink of choice and stick with it. Also, a good clue. When you start to feel tipsy, the alcohol has reached your blood system and is affecting your thinking. Try to remember to drink lots of water. My rule of thumb: for every drink of alcohol you have, have one full glass of water or tea before having another alcoholic drink. This makes you feel fuller and less likely to consume larger amounts of alcohol. WHen you get home, before bed, be sure to take a couple of aspirin or tylenol and drink a full glass of water. But DO NOT overdrink water. People can have water poisoning from drinking too much water!!!! Lots of college kids don't realize this. Never drink more than a few shots of liquor or more than a few mixed drinks. Your head will regret it the next morning!!! And never, ever party the night before a big exam!!!

Beer before liquor - never been sicker
Liquor before beer - never fear
Beer before wine makes you feel fine
Wine before beer makes you feel queer

Liquor absorbs into your system faster if you have less contents in your stomach. If you are drinking liquor on a full stomach, you might be tempted to drink more because it hasn't hit you yet.

Don't rely on these too much, just make sure you keep yourself hydrated with water before during and after to minimize the effects of the hangover.

your boiler maker, will get you, either way

both will do the same, the potential for a person to be drunk is either the same, since both accumulates in the body, and alcohol level rise the same way, whether it's beer first or hard liquor first, it doesn't matter because after your done, your alcohol level in the body is the same. there is no way of ridding of hangovers, unless you don't drink. ways to increase tolerance are, if you are fat you can consume more alcohol where a few shots will still keep you standing, and you won't be as drunk as the next guy. another is, if you drink every day, consistantly, your alcohol level will rise, so you don't have to worry about hangovers.

but usually its shots first, then comes beer. =T

Whiskey after beer never fear, Beer after whiskey very risky.

Beer before liquor, never sicker. Liquor before beer, never fear.

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