I think my best friend is a alcoholic any ideas on how to help him ?!


I think my best friend is a alcoholic any ideas on how to help him ?

Hi, My sister is an alcoholic, and to be honest they have to admit themselves that they have a problem. We have done everything possible to help her but unless she has been willing to get help there has been nothing that we can do. It's a terrible situation watching someone you love slide down the slippery slope. It starts with oh i only have a couple now and then and then it goes to a couple a day and then it goes out of control, they wont admit they have a problem because to them it's social drinking, only when something bad happens do they start to realise that they have a problem. Just be there when he needs you, it's a very difficult situation you could perhaps draw attention to how much he drinks,at times you will be at the end of your tether but be there if he needs you. p.s you have taken your email off answers so i cant email you.

Has he considered AA?

Sit down and talk to him over a cold one

You might consider dropping the wink....

It's up to him to want to stop. You can try and have a talk with him, but you can't make him stop. Lots of people have spent their time, money and energy on alcoholics they care for, and had no good results. I am one of the 'care-takers.'


the only way ya gonna help him is when he is ready to help himself!!!

he needs to admit it to himself first.....i gave my ex the choice me and the kids or the drink he chose the drink because he said its not a problem just him having fun and if he stayed i would be spoiling his fun.......he still wont admit he has a problem and still drinks every night, all day and night sunday and any afternoon he can afford to.

Get in touch with Al-Anon, they will advise you on the best course of action.


Swap his alcohol with non-alcoholic stuff, one you look out there you'll be suprised how many different drinks they have converted into non-alcoholic while keeping the classic brand names (mainly beer but ive seen lots of wines and spirties also)

You can take the horse to the water, but you cant make it drink. (No pun intended)

Your friend must first and foremost realise and admit that he has a problem, as the only person that can help him, is himself. After this, you must encourage him to ask his doctor to book him into a detox program - the best thing you can do though, is to offer him support and an ear.

If there is a hypnotherapist it would be good. Or yo can talk him into stopping by telling him all the bad efects of alcohol. You also need to make his will to stop stronger.

I am an alcoholic and you have to make your friend aware that this person has got a problem, only then can you start helping, there is a lot of help out there, but they have to realize that they have a problem.

Stop buying him drinks.

Talk him into giving himself up to the experts. Apart from it taking all his money, he will soon be dead due to the booze attacking him internally or a double decker trying to park on his back. Get him off it at all costs................

Does he attend meetings...? If not then he isnt an alcoholic he is just a drunk!

Your best friend has a mind of his own you might not like what he is doing but that is his decison but if its going to way out of hand talk to him tell him how you feel also tell him he can go to rehab or you can help him with his problems because friends are the best cure

aa is about the only thing, if hes a good alcoholic, nothing u say will change his mind

take him to an AA meeting.

I don't know what they are called but you can go to the doctors and get some pills that makes you vomit when you drink. Give them to him and say they are vitamins or something. And when he/she throws up you can say "that's from drinking, and you need to stop." Hey its done out of love.

,If you think your friend is an alcoholic and don't know, you need to first find out. If you can confirm this then you must confront them, they will most likely deny their addiction, don't give up, talk and try to understand, why and how; maybe then you can both figure out a way to help them. Sometimes not giving up on a person can help more than you thing. Some of are beyond help; SOME ARE NOT!!!!

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