Do you believe pot is worse than alcohol?!

Question: Do you believe pot is worse than alcohol? Im not going to give all these facts like i normally do on questions like this i just want to see what people believe off the top of their heads.

Answers: Do you believe pot is worse than alcohol? Im not going to give all these facts like i normally do on questions like this i just want to see what people believe off the top of their heads.

why did you post additional info, you stole my answers

in addition I think that it is not illegal for many reasons a few are that it would be hard to tax. and I do believe that they make too muck money off it being illegal (yeah we both know that it goes straight back on the street after someone gets caught)

this can be a very complicated question/topic


NO I think alchohol is worst, I have never been so high I passed out, or couldnt walk the worst Ive ever had was a horrible case of the munchies! But in the past Ive been so drunk I fell INTO the toilet bowl while puking, Ive did the whole "drunken exboyfriend calls!" AND worst - Ive been so drunk I peed myself (thank god is was just me and my girls chillen)

there equal

no, i think alcohol is worse, more dangerous.

Nope, not at all

Both do horrible things to your body, physically and mentally.
Pot just seems worse because it's less common/popular than alcohol.

I don't think it is, but it's illegal, so yes

alcohol is way worse then weed, weed aint even bad its just a plant, come on MAN MADE BOOZE, GOD MADE GRASS, WHO DO YOU TRUST?

Yes, its the way that we obtain and what people go through to get it. Is what makes it worse then alcohol. But alcohol does do bigger damage to person in a shorter period of time. My opinion though

can't say that it is worse i spose, in my mind anyway. To me, pot is a plant/vegetable that grows from the ground (as long as its not hydro i spose), i just can't see how it could be worse than something man made to do exactly what it does!

I know that marijuana does irrepairable damage to one's short-term memory and alcohol destroys the liver. You be the judge.

As a person who has stupidly tested both, I'm going to say yes. It doesn't do anything for you except kill brain cells, make you hungry, and make you obsess about something.

(i think alcohol is worse, more dangerous.) I agree on this one. I mean you never hear of a stoned driver got in a wreck very often well i haven't at all but you do hear of drunk drivers getting in wrecks.

define "worse".
I think Pot's worst offense is that it causes people to be unmotivated and lazy. I've had friends who started doing it and have changed completely- its just a lack of motivation.
I would rather have somebody around who is gonna drink a little bit than a person always smoking pot, but thats just me..

I don't think weed is worse then alcohol

no they both have their bad points , you can abuse either one but on pot I didn't drive as badly.

I don't drink or smoke pot but I know the effects of both. I truly believe that pot should be legalized way before alcohol. The effects of drinking altar your mind far more than those of pot. I think they should both be legalized with certain limitations and age requirements but I stand to my believe that the after effects and consequences of alcohol are severely more damaging than that of marijuana.

absouletly not! Not to knock alcohol or toot the weed horn, but not too many people as act violently as the drunks! Weed makes you lazy and unmotivated, thats about it. Their equally bad for your health, but weed can also be medicinal, unlike liquor

pot ,many alcohol smell sweet but none of the pot smell sweet .

Pot stays in your system. You can drink all night and get drunk, wake up with a hangover, and then its over. 24 hours later you'd never know you had ever drank. But pot shows up in tests - like if they test a hair folicle when you apply for a job. For months afterward. A friend of mine lost his job because he was tested and came up positive. Another friend had a chance for a big promotion and lost out when they tested him.

when your on pot you just sit there and think. and feel good.

when you drink you do crazy stuff like beat people up and **** like that.

i think pot is not that bad acually. i mean unlike cigs they have no tar or nicotine.

it was a god created plant that was probabally meant to be smoked.

pot will screw up your lungs.. alcohol with screw with your liver ill take my chances with the pot
hepititis is not a good thing ,let alone cirrosis of the liver

I don't know. There is a lot of misinformation around. Whatever the answer, the unreasonably long prison sentences seem to be counter-productive and are costing us lots of money.

Organic ! Pot is more pleasurable than alcohol, it'll lead you up to the clouds. To quit is the worse if you get addicted, so take care.

Nothing wrong with pot - it's natural. Anything to excess is probably bad. Wish they would legalize it.

NO, cuz it is not!!
now, i don't smoke pot, but i do drink, but i know alcohol is way worse. You can overdose on it, but not pot
Pot does not kill you directly, but alcohol does
that's why it seams so crazy to me that alcohol is legal and pot is not. It makes absolutley NO SENSE
but hey, i am not complaying

I believe that use of either is bad. It shows a lack of restraint in the user if he/she uses either product on a regular basis. Do I drink, yes. Do I smoke pot, not any more. Which is worse? Only time can tell.

go look at my myspace page... see what i think

I think alcoholism is a disease so yes that makes it worse. A lil pot won't kill you. Neither one are great for you but more lives seem to be affected negatively by drinking. People become more irrational which can lead to hurting themselves or others (drinking and driving, fights, etc). Smoking is all about one love. Not that I condone it. ;)

I think moderation is key.

Nope. Pot is way better long term on all levels.

to much of anything is a bad thing. People who drink to much (drunks) are gross. People that smoke to much (pot heads) are gross. When people go to a wedding or social gathering and have a few drinks and socialize usually its fine. when people share a joint and relax its fine. just like if u eat to much u will die, u drink to much u will die, or u take to much of that cough medacine u can die, etc., etc. The dangers of alcohol i think are ok, besides the whole driving thing, which by the way is getting much better. People that smoke pot tho often are involved in other drugs, they lie often, some steal, they deal it illegally, they are sneaky usually, usually dont do much besides smoke pot and maybe work or go to school.

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