Does anybody know a way to light up a cigarette?!

Question: I have a friend of mine that wants to know what is the best way to light up a cigarette with a lighter. Also, I do want to know what is the best way to light up a cigarette lighter. I would like to be able to teach and show my friend how to light up a cigarette with a lighter. He purchased a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. He got one of these newer lighters and he was wondering. How can he light up a cigarette.

Can anybody help please? Thanks. I do appreciate your comments and answers.

Answers: I have a friend of mine that wants to know what is the best way to light up a cigarette with a lighter. Also, I do want to know what is the best way to light up a cigarette lighter. I would like to be able to teach and show my friend how to light up a cigarette with a lighter. He purchased a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. He got one of these newer lighters and he was wondering. How can he light up a cigarette.

Can anybody help please? Thanks. I do appreciate your comments and answers.

Smoke up, Johnny! Simple.. put the cigarette in your mouth, light up the lighter, put the end of the cigarette in the flame, inhale, and bam! It's time to smoke! What kind of cigarettes did he buy, by curiosity?

lol please tell me your being serious? lol :)

Best way is to throw the entire pack into a burning fire; you've still wasted money buying them, but you're less likely to get lung cancer that way.

first of all i must tell you that smoking is bad for ur health
stop it
and about your question..........ut your 2 fingers on the lighter forming a V shape and light ur ciggrate

How about, don't smoke? I've never heard anyone old enough to buy cigarettes ask anything like that

basically, you have to hold the cigarette in your mouth and light the lighter... as you hold the end (with the tobacco sticking out) in the flame of the lighter, you inhale on the filtered side until the end starts glowing... it may take a couple of tries, but you guys will get it... good luck, i don't recommend smoking though!! =)

Don't Bother . your lives will be much LONGER & HEALTHYER if NEITHER of you even starts smoking , you'll kill yourselves with the habit if you if you DO start , so DON"T

are you serious? alright you put the filter of the cigarette in between your lips, then you take the lighter and light the end without the filter and inhale while lighting. SHAZAM! you have yourself a light cigarette!

Hey check it out there officer tj g... What a stupid question.. teh only way this could be any dumber would be if you said that the kid was only 6 and you were going to teach him how to do shoot dope too. C'mon. You can do better than this question. Cant you???????????????????/

With analytical skills like that, I would pawn the new lighter and start vigorously rubbing two sticks, not you and your friend's sticks...actual ones from a tree (they cost less than lighters too)...make sure they are dry first....

If he bought a pack of cigarettes but has no idea how to smoke them, your friend has no business smoking.

I wish I didn't know, it would have saved me a lot of future grief. Then again, it's not that hard to figure it out.

That "cigarette", you bought on the street corner didn't You? Smells kind of "funny, different", does it not?

watch some old movies where they used to smole ... things haven't changed much, except for childproof liters ( they havean extra tab you have to push to one side, or up or down, depending on the make) anyone foolish enough to buy one of those can probably figure it out on thier own... smoking's bad for you so (xcuseme while I lght up koff koff) why would you want to teach someone to do it.?

put the cig in ur mouth, light the lighter, put the flame up to the end of the cig while holding it between your index and middle fingers, as you slightly suck air from it and it will easily catch fire. ps, smoking is very bad for your health, so let's just say this is a hypothetical situation...

your beyond help no sorry but well you light the damn thing and suck on the end with the filter and you suck in the poisonous smoke and pollute your lungs! dont start smoking every pack takes 5 mins of your life and if you think its just a thing your gonna do for a while to impress people then you will quit when your older and responsible think again!!!! its really ******* hard to quit!
Cancer bad breath $70 a week brown teeth yellow fingers
yeah sounds like a good plan eh

Seriously, what kind of smokes are they ? Don't smoke is the preferred option.

Your Q: Lighter in dominant hand, ciggy in the other, light the tip and inhale gently and smoothly so you don't go sputtering. Lighter off with the butt alight. what's there to it ?

Im assuming because you dont know how to light a lighter that you are underage, if so you shouldnt be smoking.
however, I will tell you how to lgnite a lighter because I think everyone should know. grip the lighter in your hand with the 'wheel' facing your thumb. press your thumb ontop of the wheel and force the wheel to turn (towards your hand). If you have done it correctly the flame will shoot out of the opening.
now thats how to ignite a basic lighter, if it has any type of child saftey feature it will be diffrent and more difficult.

Yes - best way of lighting a cigarette is to throw the entire pack into a fire and save your friend from bronchitis, emphysema and lung cancer. Chew gum instead. Sorry, only just noticed Brent Y offered similar advice.But that's my opinion as well!

If you have to ask how to light one then you need not be smoking.

Light a fart from a clowns *** and light up your smoke from his bunghole.

ok, nerds who say smoking is bad for you, everyone knows, so go do a psa for some other cause. if you are really in a pinch and that lighter doesnt work for some reason, there are a few ways to light a cigarette that you may not know. take a bread tie and put it in the microwave for a few seconds. the metal inside the tie will catch the outside on fire. also, if you have a cigarette filter, it will catch fire in the microwave. or you can just use the stove and burn your eye lashes.

if u fink ur old enuff to be buying cigarette and u dont know how to light it den i fink dats a good thing and something u shoulnt learn how old r u for real ?

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