Is this old wise tale true?!

Question: Ok I think it is this...
-----------------Liquor before Beer never fear.-------------------------
----------------Beer before Liquor never sicker.------------------------

Is this true?

Answers: Ok I think it is this...
-----------------Liquor before Beer never fear.-------------------------
----------------Beer before Liquor never sicker.------------------------

Is this true?

No not at all. See my rant here...

A standard serving of liquor, beer or wine all have the same amount of alcohol in them. They all have the same kind of alcohol in them. IF YOU DRINK TO MUCH OF ANYTHING YOU WILL GET SICK! The reason this happens in not because you mixed, but because you get nice and drunk off of beer and then someone suggests shots to you. You say "OK" and do a few rounds of shots... In-taking to much alcohol for your system to handle.

People just don't want to take responsibility for their own actions. They like to blame our things for their inability to hold their alcohol.

no i tried it

it's liquor befor beer, you're in the clear; beer and then liquor, you've never been sicker.
It's definately true if there's tequila involved.


Liquor in the front; poker in the rear

I thought that was "wives tale" - and it makes no dif. - I get sick with either "recipe".

Its "Old wives tale" btw

And no its not a fact, just depends on the person drinking it..


there are loads of these i will make one up

never drink grape and grain or you will be in for a world of pain
never drink MY whisky or wine or i'll take you out of time.

I live by it!

Not sure but have you heard?
Wine's fine but liquor's quicker

it's wives tale not wise tale.....and no, it matters how much you drink combined, not whether you drink one before the other

haha...i get sick either way if i drink too much of either one or both together so I don't think it really matters...

well i had liquor before beer and wasn't sick
but i have never tried beer then liquor so i don't know

I've heard
whiskey on beer - have no fear
beer on whiskey - mighty risky
But I don't think any of it's depends on what hard liquor, how much you consume of each, the last time you ate, your weight/size, how long of a bout you are drinking. Too may variables! Your body will tell you when you've had enough regardless of what you are drinking!

The expression is "old wives' tale".

I would think it is probably good advice.


It may be called an "old wives' tale," but I think this one has some merit. Liquor has higher alcohol content than beer, which is what makes this cliche work. If you drink liquor first, and then switch to beer, you slow down your % alcohol intake as the night wears on. In theory, you imbibe less alcohol than if you drink beer first, and then continue drinking liquor into the night (shots seem so easy when you've already had too many, but a beer takes more time and stomach space to down).

Be safe.

Tessa Somers

If you drink at least 2 pints of water and a take a vitamin C at the end of the night. you'l be ok to for work the next day

I really think it depends on the liquor. I always start with beer. Then maybe a little of the harder stuff.

makes no never mind you get sick when you drink to much that is why you can do shoots with beer

it is
I actually say..
hard before the clear
beer before hard...puke hard
same concept
it is true because your going from more alcohol to less alcohol

A wise man will avoid drinking beer and liquor on the same day. It's best to save something for tomorrow.

Usually. It depends how much of each you have though.

Partly true!! Never mix types of alcoholic beverages in the same day!!

I hate the feelings of mixing alcohols!! All of it makes you sicker than a dog!

this is what we say in college:

"liquor before beer youre in the clear,
beer before liquor you get drunk WAY quicker"

i don't know.....maybe i should try it

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