Stopping drinking?!


Stopping drinking?

I have decided I do not want to drink anymore, as I do not seem able to 'just have a couple' - any good advice fromex-drinkers? I'm only 20 and I still intend to go out and party. I'm a little afraid of being bord and not being able to enjoy company as much as I can when I'm scoially lubricated with beer ...

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3 weeks ago
*socially (I suck at typing)

3 weeks ago
*socially (I suck at typing)

It's obvious that u know u are an alcoholic, even if u don't like that word. There are a lot of 20 year old people, and younger, that have admitted that they are alcoholic and because they did, they lived to be a lot older.
I didn't admit it until i was 49 years old.....By that time I lost my job, my wife, my kids and wound up sleeping under a bridge in Boston. If someone hadn't found me nearly frozen to death and called 911 I would have lost my life to it also.
After a few stints in treatment and numerous trips to AA meetings, it was proven to me that i couldn't "just have a couple". In short, the reality that I could never drink in safety again scared the hell out of me. What the heck was I going to do if I couldn't drink? No more parties? No more hanging around with all my friends that drink? may as well be over. At least, that's what I thought.
So, with the help of others who are just like me, and there are many, I was able to stay away from the bars that I loved, stay away from the parties that I was sure I needed to be at, and find other friends that didn't drink to get drunk. By doing all that, I was able to stay away from a drink. I am now sober for 16 years, retired after being rehired, my kids call me and we get together on occassion. I live on the No. Shore in a warm condominium on a harbor. And oh yeah, i am dating my ex wife.
So, you see, there IS LIFE WITHOUT ALCOHOL.
Good Luck.


number one. go to parties, bars and gatherings and have fun. when it gets old, leave. eat chocolate.

You just have to understand that you can have fun without drugs.

All of my friends smoke pot. ALL of them. I, however, do not. And because of this, I am alienated and outcast. They try to pressure me into doing it, and don't seem to understand that I just don't like it. I still enjoy their company, whether they are drunk or stoned. If it gets too much and I get bored of just sitting there watching them smoke the devil weed, I up and leave. There's no reason to put yourself in a situation that compromises a promise that you made to yourself. None at all.

Be the designated driver. Sometimes it takes the sense of responsibility to keep one sober. In this case its knowing that you are whats keeping your friends and someone unknown alive. Thats reason enough to stay sober from my point of view.

I've had the same problem for many years now, I've only been sober for 6 months now. Try to do things w/ friends that don't involve JUST drinking but are still fun. If you're going to a bar, find a place w/ a pool table, or games. Something to take your mind off of having to drink. Go Bowling, they can drink, you can drive.

You won't get bored if you get your friends to drink ALOT. (you'll be driving) Get em ripped, then watch them get retarded.

Also there are medicines out there that help control your urge to drink. I'm on one called Campral & it's very helpful.

Well done on taking this decision, it takes great of strength of character to maitain this. I too have suffered from this curse, I have found that for the first 3 to 4 weeks, stay away from bars, parties etc and get used to not drinking, in other words stay away from temptation...... much easier said than done, I had some friends that "spiked" some drinks with vodka, because I had not drunk for 3 to 4 weeks I could taste the alcohol and threw the drinks away. Good luck, the longer you stay off the booze the easier it will be.

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