Alcohol-could you stop?!

Question: I stopped alcohol five years ago and it has improved my life enormously.

When people learn of my self imposed abstinence they often comment "I wish I could stop" , well why dont they?

Is it because social drinkers are really addicted and dont know it?

The UK has been identified as an alcoholic nation whose drinking is beond control-do you think this is really true? Could you stop?

Answers: I stopped alcohol five years ago and it has improved my life enormously.

When people learn of my self imposed abstinence they often comment "I wish I could stop" , well why dont they?

Is it because social drinkers are really addicted and dont know it?

The UK has been identified as an alcoholic nation whose drinking is beond control-do you think this is really true? Could you stop?

the biggest problem is people not realising they have a drink problem, my dad has a drink problem, he would never admit that to himself, my brother in law has a drink problem, probably worse on some levels then my dad, he has even joined a drinking club, which is basically a pub open all night on a thurs, and he is there every thursday, yet he doesnt think he has a drink problem, at the end of the day, the drinker has to face things, and more often then not it wont be until that drink is alone before these things area faced......i guessing you didnt need all this, but i had to say it, and good on you for not drinking any more

wouldn't even want to try
i'd like to stop smoking however

Yes, it`s very rare i drink alcohol. I went from 21 yrs old to 39 yrs old without touching a drop. I`m 47 now and only indulge occasionally.....

If you've been a drinker and you stop you feel unbelievable, but it cramps your style a bit if you continue in the same social crowd.

I stopped when I was in training for marathons but I enjoy my scotch and water in the evenings. I have had various health checks and full medicals and I'm fine.

I think if I really had to (if my life depended on it) I could. I just think that I'll be bored when surrounded by drunks! I would save so much money if I stopped- in fact, I might just stop after my birthday, just after the new year for a month or so, save some cash!

Recently my alchohol intake has dropped off hugely. I really only ever drank "socially" - so I would go to my local pub three or four times a week. Since the smoking ban, however, I go to the pub less than once a month - so the smoking ban hasn't reduced my smoking, but I hardly drink a drop of alchohol now.

and how much better do I feel? No better whatsoever - and I miss the social side!

Remember folks - if you don't smoke, drink or womanise - you may not live to be 100, but it'll damn well seem like it!

I'm an American living in Ireland, and I can definitely say, yes, I do think in a lot of ways the UK and Ireland are nations of alcoholics. It's not so much that you are all addicted but all too much of the countries' socialization occurs around the pub. Anytime my partner has had a hard week, he says "ugh I really could use a pint" and he doesn't even drink that often-- but he finds comfort in it. I don't think its like that in a lot of other places, particularly in my mind is America, where drinking among adults is fairly low in comparison and is not the #1 choice of unwinding and socialization.
For there, naturally, that means, decades upon decades of high alcohol consumption being the norm. I think as the youth are entering the picture and spirits have become more fashionable to drink than beer, instead of having 6 pints of the course of a night people are having 6 shots in the course of an hour, and the result is disastrous.

When I got pregnant last year we pretty much stopped going out-- we saved so much money from spending on alcohol. My partner has also been doing a lot of training so when he is fit he doesn't like to ruin it with binge drinking. We've moved away from our beers at the pub to wine at home more often. It's not that once-in-a-while drink/binge to worry about, its the every week/every night binging that is happening... when you find yourself passed out in the middle of the street... you have to start asking some questions about yourself.

It's a decease it's not easy to stop.

i think everybody at some point wants to stop something they
know is bad for them, but never do.
i myself am a huge drinker, i have atleast 2-4 bottles of wine during the week and a bottle of spirit at the weekend.
(god that actually sound awful!)
i dont belive im an alcoholic but to degree i suppose people might think iam.
nobody really starts drinking indoors on there own, so i belive that you start drinking socially then you get dragged in to the
dark depths of drinking cause you have to.

Yes, I could stop.
In the nation as a whole, many youngsters are drinking too much.
Giving up for Lent, as I often do, is very useful.

I started drinking when i was 14 and stopped when i was 25 due to my 3rd dui in 5 years. I drank just to drink no special occasion or anything like that. I was a 30 pack a night drinker.Two on the weekends. I am 26 now and have not had a drink in over a year and a half. When i stopped my income went with a new job and my family life got better. Any body can stop.

I stop when I'm sleeping.

Injoined AA a year ago and today I have been without alcohol for exactly a year.

It is a disease, just like diabetes is a disease which can be successfully treated

I am 65, and until last November had been drinking for fifty years, I have never felt better or fitter and recently got engaged to a lady I met at an AA meeting.

The drinking, especially among the young is certainly out of control, and who can blame them when irresponsible well known supermarkets sell beer cheaper than water, they should be taken to court.

I couldn't stop until faced with so much legal trouble, and no options of a decent life unless I did abstain from alcohol. I would imagine many people just continue to suffer until much the same happens to them, or until they die. I know many people who have simply continued to drink until they died. A girlfriend, a best friend, my real mother, my step brother and people I hung out with at bars are all examples of people I have lost due to drinking.

Alcohol was impacting my life too. I quit about 1 1/2 years ago, and yes, life has improvement tremendously.

Stopping alcohol has helped with my depression. I feel much better, I have more energy and I find it very entertaining when I am at a bar and I am one of the few people that are sober!

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