What do you eat and drink when you want to get really drunk?!

Question: This saturday me and some mates are getting drunk! ..What should I eat to avoid throwing up and what should I drink to get me drunk quick!

Answers: This saturday me and some mates are getting drunk! ..What should I eat to avoid throwing up and what should I drink to get me drunk quick!

I'm assuming you are underage? Not a particularly mature way to look at it but we've all done it. Drink vodka...but not too much....what about some tequila and dry white wine....with a rose chaser and some chocolate liquer. Don't eat anything but make sure you pick up a kebab on the way home.

I don't get drunk.................

I dont know about the eating part but Jose Quarvo always works for me

If you want to get drunk quick eat nothing and just have some milk to line your stomach. To get drunk quick drink vodka.

1914 Jack Daniels Gold Medal and Red Caviar

Eat bread, drink water.....To get drunk, try long islands

I've heard you should eat a banana and drink a pint of milk as it puts a lining on your stomach, have a good night!!!!

chips and meths

i just eat a good solid meal, meat and potatoes etc

wait 30 or 45 minutes

then drink your face off

for me if I drink beer only, I will never puke...but if I get too crazy with whisky, rum, etc I will yakk 100% guaranteed

soup is filling and it wud line ur stomach
thats food and drink!

Well I'd eat def. cant drink on an empty stomach, but if you dont want to throw up I dont suggest getting drunk drunk. If you drink through a straw, you getting drunker faster. Do shots. My friends know how to do it, I had a pinneaplle nad vodka, then 5 shots in 30 MINS and was done!!!!

tomato juice . to line your stomach .any short . usually works for me . drink a glass of weater before you go to sleep . thats easier said than done but it works everytime for me .

Eat anything greasy, fast food, or pizza.

I just snack on peanuts or chips. I start out with a few shots, usually vodka and lime juice. Then I follow it up with beers for the rest of the night. I never throw up on that.

I dontt hink theres really any food to prevent you from throwing up, but if there was I would guess absorbant food like breads and crackers to absorb the alcohol....then again that will help keep you from getting as drunk. So I dont think theres really any good combination...sorry.

Eat: bread, cheese, a big meal before you go out
Drink: milk to line your stomach, when you start drinking drink vodka! And lots of it

haha don't eat at all...just do lots of shots

HOw old are you anyway? Have you ver gotten drunk before? Trust me it is NOT a very nice feeling...it sux...it's the worse....so if i were you i would stay away from the excessive alcohol......

i line my stomach with a pint of milk, to stop me throwing up, and shots always work for me when i want a quick hit, that or cocktails.

Pizza or a sandwhich is always good prep for a night on the town. Personally I would avoid wine. Before you know it you go from having fun and feeling great to staggering drunk and feeling like hell.
Beer is always good. Try a micro-brew with a higher alcohol content.
I also avoid liquor because I can't seem to handle it.
Now do not drive. Stay with your group of friends so some loser doesn't take advantage of a drunk girl.
I haven't gotten drunk in ages, (I'm a parent) but that's what I used to do when I was younger and carefree!
Have fun. Be safe.

I don't know what you can eat to avoid vomiting, because I have never had to face that problem when I drink. Any sweet mixer will get you drunk faster, go with 40 proof or more, and if you mix it with Gatorade or Powerade, you will get really, really smashed, quickly.

if you want to get smashed quick any spirit will do the trick. absenth will put you in hospital if you drink to much on an empty stomach. try mixing a double shot of port with a smirnoff ice its called a cheeky vimto will put you on your ars. dont eat.

If you want to get drunk faster, an empty stomach is best, especially if you do not want to throw up. You should drink as much drinks as you can as fast as you can. Shots have very high alcohol content then say beer, so take a load of those.

But the best thing to remember is to be safe and have fun!!

If ya like milk drink it before ya go out,it will line ya stomach.
Drink spirits and stick to the same one because mixing with beers will make ya chuck.Enjoy ya night

Don't eat or drink. Trust me.

white spirit

Alcohol and Food.

wow you sound like a classy lady.

You shouldn't binge drink it's bad for you and your liver.

don't eat and just go for some vodka or whiskey

Drinking to get drunk is stupid and immature. Grow up before you do adult activities, please!

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