Can you name some lagers better than Budweiser besides Carlsburg, Kronenburg, Stella, Pilsner Urquell, Becks?!

Question: And also Sapporo, Harp, Heineken? Why do so many people think Budweiser is crap compared to these? Are they beer snobs?

Answers: And also Sapporo, Harp, Heineken? Why do so many people think Budweiser is crap compared to these? Are they beer snobs?

"Better" is strictly a matter of personal taste. Some people prefer a beer with more hop flavor. Some prefer a maltier beer. Some prefer beer with no taste, such as Bud Lite. Try some different brands and see what appeals to you.

No, people who hate Bud are not snobs. We just prefer beer with flavor. Bud (and Miller and Coors and the like) tastes thin and watery compared to many microbrews and imports.

A well-made lager has four basic ingredients: malted barley, yeast, hops, and water. The major American brewers remove a large part of the barley and substitute corn or rice. They also use very little hops. The result is a beer that is cheaper to make and doesn't have much taste to it.

there is peronie or hogaden which is a white beer is nice with a slice of lemon or you could try friut flavour beer suc as fueril which is a strawberry beer which is a really nice taste
and no there is nothing wrong with budweiser

sorry for the wrong spellings

I like Bud, & also Blue Moon, & Leinenkugels (sp??)

Sure, real Budweiser!

Amstel, Sweetwater, Sam Adams, Bass, Purple Haze (just to name a few).

Because Bud IS crap compared to those.

Better beers:
Warsteiner, Birra Moretti, Peroni, Berghoff(All), Spaten, Dinkel Acker, Great Lakes Brewing Company beers, Harps, Guiness, Smithwicks, Kirin, Dos Equis, Moosehead, Modello especial, Negra Modello, Amstel Light, Sam Addams (most), Dragon's Milk, Rogue Brewery, Duvall, et. al.

Worse Beers:
Miller products, Tequisa, Tecate, Heineken, Rolling Rock, Sam Addams Summer, Blue Moon, etc.

amstel light, warsteiner, smithwicks, harps, mccuens(spel..)

I'm not a real lager fan but if you are looking for something good you can try anything from Stone brewery. I also enjoy the Sierra Nevada celebration Ale. Bud is mass produced on a massive scale and that does something to the quality. as far as being a snob because you like REAL beers lagers ales IPA's and so on... would you say someone is a snob because they prefer a hamburger from say Red Robin as opposed to McDonald's?

I know what you mean. Often, things like stella, beks, and even Sam Adams are brewed by independent breweries that also brew Bud, Miller, and Coors (like that big one in Utica NY). So if you're gonna have them, then don't think that label on the bottle really separates what's going on in there.

On the other end of the spectrum though, there are lagers out there on a different level. The Samuel Smith Brewery in England makes some nice pale Lagers as well as a very nice Oatmeal Stout. I've seen it in many grocery stores in the U.S. Brooklyn Brewery is also ok, but their lager tastes like an ale.

And yes, there are beer snobs out there just like there are car snobs, wine snobs, clothing snobs, and ...well they're everywhere and I don't think we'll ever be rid of them.

No, they're not snobs. I used to think I hated beer because all I ever had was Bud. Once you have a beer that you like the taste of, you don't really want to go back to stuff you never liked in the first place.

You're looking for a pilsner, not a lager (they're different styles of beer). Personally, I like Dogfishhead's "Golden Era."

best beer ever i had was from a small brewery in germny, Brauerei Hoffmann, next in line Kreuzberg beer-brewed by german monks and loved by american soldiers on the weekend, also the keiler brewery maks good beer.

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