After a night of drinking...?!


After a night of drinking...?

After being out drinking tonight, I'm now ready to go to bed. Problem is, I don't like beer, so I drink the girly sugary wine coolers and things. So now from all that sugary fruit juice, my tummy isn't feelin so hot. Usually after I go out drinking I make myself throw up and then I feel better, but I'm trying to avoid that. Any ideas on what I can do now to make my stomach feel better so I can sleep?

Eat some crackers.

party! lol k you drink a bottle of pepcid and whola! cured!

Poke some smot.

Crackers, some water and 2 ibuprofin.

Try to switch to a high end vodka like Grey Goose and mix it with pineapple and orange juice. Top shelf vodkas are easier on the stomach and still get you were to you need be ;) Try to eat something healthy before bed and drink a glass of water too.

Eat a sandwich and drink lots of water. That way you will avoid a hangover in the morning.

Eat BEFORE you go out. Have pasta or bread, steak even to help your body digest the booze with your food.

Any food will help, even crackers. The best drunk food I ever had was falafel.

i have the same problem. those rolaid chews always seem to help me. plus they are kinda yummy.

Alka Seltzer always seems to settle my upset stomach, no matter what I have put in it. If you don't have any at home or feel like going to get any, eating a high fat meal or snack (cheeseburger, nachoes etc.) will likely help. This probably sounds stupid, but it seems to work for me when I have had too much to drink. Avoid carbs. Drink some cold water or ginger ale. Try to go to the bathroom. Of course you may be too full to feel like eating so just try to go to sleep. Next time you might try some less sugary drinks like gin (or vodka) and tonic or martinis.

"Always eat a good starchy meal and drink a glass of milk before a night on the town and always remember to be kind to your pallies and the broads."

That's a quote from a 90's comic book called "Very Vicky" and it may seem odd, but it works. If you're still having stomach troubles take two aspirin and a good dose of Pepto Bimol and prepare to go to work in the morning.

Such a routine always works for me. Best of luck to you!

During the course of the evening have a few drinks of water.
Before going to bed definitly drink some water.
works wonders

I'll tell you what! why don't you stop drinking, if your body can't take it.

I also drink the "girly" drinks...Mike's hard berry being a favorite. I guess I don't drink that much though, as I usually don't throw up etc. Crackers or dry toast would be my suggestion, and drink as little water as possible until it's out of your system. I tried to drink water a few times, and it seems to stir everything up and make you feel like crap again.

just drink tequila

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