Is 3 bottles of wine a week alot?!


Is 3 bottles of wine a week alot?

over a week i have 3 bottles of wine a few glasses most nights i do have 2 days of non is this a lot for a woman

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3 weeks ago
i was asking about unit realy not if i'm an alcoholic i don't need it just like it and wondered how many unit i was having

3 weeks ago
as for the answer about cheep wine making you age i only drink good quality wine £10-what ever a bottle with good home cooked food

3 weeks ago
i was asking about unit realy not if i'm an alcoholic i don't need it just like it and wondered how many unit i was having

3 weeks ago
as for the answer about cheep wine making you age i only drink good quality wine £10-what ever a bottle with good home cooked food

If you cut this in half and drank 1 and a half bottles per week you would be OK. . Wine is better then most other choices though

yes. It could be

It is said that if you drink a glass of wine every day it helps prevent heart problems, so I believe that you are overdoing it

Unfortunately it is a lot for me as i am t total how sad am i

You should try to stick to about about 5 glasses a week (2 non-alcoholic days)

Its fine three bottles of spirits would be worse

2 glasses of red wine a day keeps the doctor away....

make up your mind to quit completely or just have 2 glasses a week

My AA sponsor doesn't think so. He should know.... this is his 4th time through the program!

two or three glasses of red wine a day are supposed to be good for you

Better than 20 empty bottles on the floor ;)

they say 14 units a week is ok for a woman..there are about 5 units (glasses) in a bottle of wine - so you are only one glass over what they say is ok for you.....dont think thats too bad & you have days free of alcohol - so dont worry!

Everyone is different and everyone thinks different. Personally, I think there is nothing wrong with that. If you were sitting and drinking 3 bottles in one night then maybe there would be a problem. A glass of wine can help you wind down whether it's from a hard day at work, a long day with the kids or just when life is tough in general. Red wine is meant to be better for you than white but personally I think red is horrid.

if someone says that it's good for health to drink a glass of wine everyday and sets french or spanish as an example(they really get heart diseases more rarely) remember that in these countries the number one cause of death is liver cirosis:)
healthy heart and no liver...what's the use of that???

i just got into aa so maybee my mind is skewered, but would say if your asking this ? than maybe you youself think its too much

I think it is cut out one of them

If you feel comfortable with it, it's fine.
As long as it's not causing any financial, domestic or work related problems go for it.
Having alcohol free days is a great idea, sounds like you are on top of your game,,,cheers!!

Sadly the UK calculation of one unit of alcohol is 125ml of wine, so a regular 75cl bottle would contain six units.

As the recommended maximum for the week is 21 units for a man and 14 units for a woman, you are about a bottle over the top. If you knock your 'few' glasses back down to two small ones then you will be back on track, although to me even that seems like a lot, at least it won't make you liable for liver damage as you get older.

A binge is counted as ten units in a session for a man, or seven for a woman - so unless you open two bottles in one night, at least you're not a binger!

It's never enough wine for women. According to research it's healthy for you. My grandma who's 64 looks as healthier than i do and shes been drinking since 22yrs old and she looks good.

1/ If you can have a complete control of the quantity you drink , then you are Not an Alcoholic.
2/ As for the quantity ( 3 bottles.)It depends on a lot of factors.
How much do you weigh , If you have a very active sporting life ,if you have liver or kidney problems .... etc etc.
Before you put in practise any answer you have here , see your G.P

Yes it is a lot. That you have to ask is indicative that you may have a drinking problem. Get yourself to an AA meeting.

That you can refrain from drinking 2 out of 7 days means nothing except to delude the drinker into thinking they can control the drinking when in fact they can't. Part of the denial process.

By the way, alcoholism is non discriminatory between wine, beer or hard liquor. Contrary to popular opinion.

No - its a healthy amount

Yes, you would be very tipsy lol.

I don't fell like it is heaps, But i think that your getting to the point where it can be. Over long periods, this is a good amount, but don't drink it too quickly coz that would be bad :-)

Yes, it's a lot.

Does everyone not know that wine espesially the cheaper stuff causes premature wrinkling. as does smoking.

you will become fat

If one bottle of wine =6 glasses and one glass =2 units then 12 units x 3 bottles =36 units divide by 7 nights =5.14 units per day, too much if you drive, also make sure 3 bottles don't become 4 then 4 become 5. thish ish the rowd to alclimsm, alcolsm ilcolstma oh! heck, pass me another glass darling

Yes it is...

I hope it's not - I have to confess I get through a bottle every day with my evening meal. Food is just too dry without it. It is amazing to see the face on the nurse up at the doctors though when you go for your check up. When she asks how many units you drink a week and you tot up the wine and the pre/post-dinner drinkies as well and tell her about a hundred, she immediately puts you down as an alcoholic and runs off to tell the doc what a naughty person you are. Drink and be merry my friend for we know not what tomorrow may bring.

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