Who thinks women shouldnt drink beer from a pint glass??!


Who thinks women shouldnt drink beer from a pint glass??

i asked a couple of my male friends this and they said its unattractive and that women should stick to 'female drinks'. who agrees with this or who doesnt and what are your reasons?

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3 weeks ago
See i think women can drink what they want lol and nothing is wrong with a pint glass just some men see beer as a males drink and that women should b lady like and drink out of like wine glasses ect not pint glasses. i must admit wen i drink beer i act like a man you know burping and that lol mayb thats the reaso why? haha

3 weeks ago
See i think women can drink what they want lol and nothing is wrong with a pint glass just some men see beer as a males drink and that women should b lady like and drink out of like wine glasses ect not pint glasses. i must admit wen i drink beer i act like a man you know burping and that lol mayb thats the reaso why? haha

I really like a woman that can drink and enjoy a good craft beer. My wife can hold her own when we go out. Your friends are sexist.

Drink whatever you want and however you want. Reason I don't care how one gets a buzz

Those are the gals I prefer to date LOL

People who dont know what Beer is:-) They should stick to Wine or Spirit.

Tell your male friends that it is unattractive to be sexist.

What's wrong with a pint glass?

Utterly stupid notion.

Quite an old fashioned outlook they have on women, they are equal these days.

Pint glass is not unattractive. But you should be drinking from a frozen mug thats just HOT!

a lot depends on the crowd and circumstance. if your only container option is a pint glass, it's sexy as hell to see a petite girl prevail in lifting her drinking goblet.

if however, you are with a bunch of girly-men that are drinking hard cider from the bottle, i would follow suit, otherwise you might scare them.

I dont agree at all! That's very ignorant! Who cares if its a bottle, a pint, a shoe or a bowl..lol..It doesnt change the person and if a man or woman does think so, it just makes them show their insecurities. Wow, whats a female drink by the way? That's like saying a man shouldnt be a nurse....STICK TO A MANS JOB!! Funny Indeed!

Guys who say that are sexist and look down on women. Don't date them, ever.

Women should drink what they want, and how they want to. A man who sees a woman as a person wouldn't even consider it should be otherwise. It would never enter their head.

Gods, that attitude makes me sick. If anyone ever said that to me they'd have their heads handed to them on a platter.

Being ladylike is a waste of life. While women are worrying about what delicate drink they'd look cute sipping and trying to sip it without messing their lipstick, men are talking business and getting on with it. You'll never be taken seriously if you let men like that tell you what to drink. They'd hardly let you tell THEM what to drink, now would they?! And I think women look perfectly good with pints in their hands. Bottoms up :-)

I know a lot of guys who think its sexy as hell to hunker down on the couch with their girl watch the game and put back a case of PBR. A beer lover loves a beer lover. Your friends are idiots. Next time skip the beer and order a Black Label neat.

my boyfriend thinks it's hot that i can out drink him in beer. some guys dig it.

It is more graceful for a woman to drink beer from a standard glass with no handle.

I prefer a woman who can drink a beer from a pint glass. The "girly" drinks are fine if that is what you like. But There is something about a woman who can enjoy a good beer.

Maybe you should find some new friends who aren't as sexist.

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