Party with beer???!


Party with beer???

we like haning out with the boys in our grade but they drink. and do drugs
what should we do??? we dont want to drink it or be caught while they drink or do dop but we cant just avoid them... cause we are so totally BOY CRAZY!!!! plese answer (we are BOY CRAZYY)

If you go your just looking for trouble. Try to find a different group of boy's or you will be sorry trust me.

Either leave or get arrested - it's that easy.

You should really get your priorities straight, if you don't want to do those things you should stay away from those who do. What is going to happen when one of those boys pressures you into drinking or smoking pot? Are you going to give in because you are boy crazy and you don't have enough self esteem to say "no"

dont drink. if they force u just say know and ignore them or walk away. (dont hang out with drinkers).

just make the moments lovely by romance. you can avoid the drink and drug then.

my goodness child, sounds like you need to take a cold shower.

or drink a beer and smoke a bowl.

personally, i would choose the second option.

I will talk about the alcohol first. If your going to a party where there is going to be beer or your friends are going to be drinking that deosn't mean that you can't go to the party or you can't hang out with your friends. It is perfectly fine to hang out with kids who are drinking and not drink as long as you respect thier choice and they respect yours. If some one tries to force you to drink they might not be a person that you should be friends with at the same time though don't try to tell other people what to do. Its thier personal choice to drink or just like its yours not to drink. Now if a friend of yours is starting to worry you about thier drinking talk to them about it and tell them how you feel about them drinking but if your at a party where a friend of yours is drinking to much or is getting out of hand try to stop them from drinking more and calm them down. Over drinking is unheathy and really dangerous. Situations can escalate quickly and its perfectly fine for you to prevent them if you see one coming. Thats what friends are for.

As for the weed....

I would not recommend that you hang out with these guys when they are getting baked. Other wise even if you didn't want to get high you might get a second hand one. Even if you don't get a second hand high you will definately reek of weed. Though its not a bad smell it might get you in trouble later and you won't even have had the pleasure of being stone before your grounded. Any ways I do want to say that if your friends are smoking weed it deosn't mean that you can't still be thier friend. If it bothers you then talk to them about it but remeber that its thier personal choice to do what they want.

Well thats my advice.
Go ahead go to that party and have fun.
And hey if you do decide to drink or get baked with your friends for some reason be safe but enjoy the ride.

you shouldn't avoid doing something because you might get in trouble. what if you you tried it and liked it. the problem with youth today is they don't question authority. the boys are obviously doing it for a reason. some may be doing it for the wrong reasons but you should at least try everything once for your self if you want to lead an eventful life.

go 4 it baby!!! getting high is so much fun. and when ur drunk with it let me tell u it's the life

leave them with there stuff,and DONT get involved (it's bad news) trust me.

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