How do you know if your an alcholic?!

Question: is drinking 5 times a week considered excessive?

some nights i drink a gin martini just so i can fall asleep...
is this a bad thing to do? or is it just a minor thing il grow out of?

Answers: is drinking 5 times a week considered excessive?

some nights i drink a gin martini just so i can fall asleep...
is this a bad thing to do? or is it just a minor thing il grow out of?

Here's a simple test ... try not drinking anything for a couple of weeks.

If you CANNOT stop, you should go in for a chemical health assessment.

Whether or not it is a "bad thing" depends if you can stop. I also can "hear" you are minimizing your use and that is a bad sign. You say "some nights", yet you say you drink 5x's a week. "Some" doesn't mean 5 out of 7 nights, honey.

Do you drink other times during the day? What about those times ... how much and what do you drink.

Do you just drink ONE gin martini? How big is it . . .in ounces. Drinking to "fall asleep" is a problem in itself. There are other non-addictive sleeping aids.

Frankly, my sense and reading what and how you wrote tells me you either have a 'problem" or are headed down that road fairly rapidly.

do you drink alone?

You know if you drink all the time in the morning and think about it when you wake up.
I do not drink at all but know about it. get help if you are it is near the holidays and do not want that problem now.
Good luck

if you suspect your an alcoholic most likely you are. i used to drink 5 times a week and mostly drank at night to fall asleep. its not good for you or your body.

There is nothing wrong with having a drink or two every night. It only becomes a problem when you are drinking at work or come home and get plastered every night.

There's a ton of different definitions of alcoholism.

If you have to drink (for any reason, including to sleep), that may be an indicator.

If you drink more days than you don't drink, maybe so.

If you drink to the point of drunkenness once a week or more, probably so.

The key seems to be moderation. There's a difference between a glass of wine or a beer with dinner most nights and slamming back shots most nights, right?

If you're concerned, see if you can scale way back. If you're able to, you're probably okay.

If the alcohol isn't affecting your work or relationships then I wouldn't worry about it. It sounds to me like you are using it more like a sleeping pill than anything. What's going on that you need to medicate yourself to be able to sleep? That may be more of a problem than a nightly drink. Just be aware of where you are with the drinking and if it starts to get worse, more excessive, or feels necessary, you may be heading for trouble. Good luck with it.

an alcoholic is someone who drinks for breakfast lunch and dinner and spend all there money on drinkin and someone who always needs it like a cravin

See your doc and ask for some sleeping pills. Safer than drinking to get to sleep and without the hangover , you never sleep properly when you are drunk your body just switches off and is almost comatose. No rem sleep as your body is trying to recover and shuts down to aid that process.
There is nothing wrong with having a couple of drinks in the evening but if you are drinking when you get up or at work it will then become a problem.
Meanwhile enjoy ......... sensibly.

if you think you have a problem, you probably do. If you can't fall asleep without it, you have a problem. addictions are progressive. if you can't stop right now for 90 days without any trouble, you have a problem.

it don't sound like a problem to me a problem is when you have to have a drink at all times you wake up in the middle of the night and have to have a drink your hands shake until you get a drink and then it takes 2 hands to hold it my friend is an alcoholic and this is what she does it is sad to be this way and it is easy to become an alcoholic most of the time you don't realize you are becoming one

Well if you have to ask a question like this......My guess would be that you already know the answer to your question.

Very excessive!!!

Normal is like 2-3 nights socially drinking with friends

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