Why do all these things happen when I drink...?!


Why do all these things happen when I drink...?

I wake up to scratches and bruises all over my body, my clothes are filfthy, I have lost some things of mine, I have things in the back of my car that don't belong to me and I have no idea who's stuff it is, I have passion marks on my neck, and I've been penetrated. Also, my friends tell me I was slapping people around and arguing with people. The worst thing is that I don't remember ANYTHING about the night before but the last cup of liquor I had. How to stop this without quitting drinking?

this must be a joke....honestly, are you stupid??? drink in moderation, and slowly. dont you feel like crap when you wake up and figure out the stuff you might have done? i would be ashamed if i were you!

Hey, I think I left my jacket in your back seat.


lol....its called being drunk. and to the sounds of it, your a vulnerable drunk. You need a cut-off point. You can still drink just dont drink to the point where your drunk, you can still have as much fun but like it matters when your drunk you dont remember it anyways ....oh you should probably get tested

You must be my ex-best friend's twin. She has the same affliction. Alcohol turns her into a very different person - a person that she doesn't even know about because she "forgets" the next day. I said "ex" because she has not stopped drinking and refuses to take my concerns about her seriously. I hope that you do. You're treading on very dangerous ground.

we have all been thier and its usualy to do with the fact we were bing drinking, mixing drinks or drinking something that didnt agree with us.
if I were you Id cut down on the drink and if thier is anything in particular you drink that tends to lead to this kinda thing best off avoiding it.
You dont have to stop drinking you just have to know your limits I was exactly the same as you i would be violent and never remember a thing i would feel so horrible the next day because i didnt know and the fact that alcohol is a depressant espeacially in large quantitys didnt help either, you just need to find a balance.

i dont know.. by the way, your car is nice

Start a new fashion trend by wearing a strait jacket and brass chastity belt, Youll still be a hit at parties and wont have to worry about where you left your panties. PARTY ON!!!

Slow down. Drink water in between alcoholic beverages. Choose something lighter like beer rather than hard stuff. Please be careful- you are describing a dangerous path and you need to be mindful of your health. You could hurt yourself or someone else. Please practice moderation, and if you need help, which you might, get it.

its not the drink
you have been abducted by aliens

there is nothing wrong with alcolhol, its a health drink, its made from vegetable and fruit extract, how else are we suppiosed to get our 5 veg and two fruits daily???

These episodes are called "black outs" and by no means, are they funny. Sounds to me like you have an alcohol problem. Do you ever go out drinking and this does NOT happen? I am just guessing, but I think it may be hard for you to drink in moderation. Go out and tell yourself you will only have 2 drinks all night. If you can't stick to it, you have a problem. I am guessing you have no desire to quit, as all these things have happened to you and yet you ask how to stop the incidents WITHOUT stopping drinking.

You need help. Look up AA in the yellow pages and get to a meeting.

First, get a pregnancy test. Next, get a better class of friends that will look out for you when you get too drunk to look out for yourself. Lastly, don't drink so damn much, so you can look out for yourself, and remember who you are sleeping with.

sorry about the scratches

If your going to get that drunk hang out with people that you trust.

sounds like you had a good night. change what you are drinking and it will change your character.

you sound exactly like my roommate. he came in tonight with a scratched bloody face, soaking wet pants from riding his bike into the canal and he found out his girlfriend is a raging whore.

Get STDs & Pregnancy tests done.

its simple don't drink as much, crazy =)

You busy tonight?

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