Would you recommend bartending for a job?!


Would you recommend bartending for a job?

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3 weeks ago
i dont mean a lifelong job. im young. just to make some money.

3 weeks ago
i dont mean a lifelong job. im young. just to make some money.

If you are good at it and work in a busy bar, you can makes lots of money through tips. My cousin put himself through law school working as a bar tender in the summer at Lake Tahoe.

if you can make a living at it do what you feel is best suited for you.

It's a great job for travelling cos you can do it anywhere in the world, but don't work in a place that's too busy cos that's not fun at all.

No. Unless you're an alcoholic/addict or really really enjoy hanging around other alcoholics. It's not a rewarding or amazing job to have. If you are thinking about the job in terms of being around other people all the time, there are plenty of great jobs without the stress and responsibility of dealing with higher risk individuals.

well no.....if your trying to get a better and bigger job later on....thats not a good step.

I think it is a great job when you're younger as long as you use the time wisely. Some of my friends bartended while in college and made great money and it helped pay for their school. Another of my friends bartended to learn the ropes and then opened his own bar. I would stay away from late night places and clubs. The crowds working the bar tend to be a little more careless and you tend to run into more fights, drugs, and sleezy bosses.

Yups and the Tips are good!!!

If you are a social person and you don't mind dealing with drunk people all the time. If you get a job in the right place, you can make a ton of money. I used to work in a banquet hall and i knew a bartender who made $1000 in tips in one night.

Yes, There are many types of bartending jobs out there.

If you have little to no experience I would suggest starting with banquet bartending or a big chain that has a strong training program.

Most of the bar classes are a joke. They promise to place you in a job that with a little personality and persistence you could land your self.

Please keep in mind the bar you work in must fit your personality.
If you are laid back and like to talk with your guest, a high volume night club is not for you.
If you prefer to pump out the drinks with little guest interaction. Look for a service bartender opening or a loud night club.

What I am trying to say is that you have many choices.
Its true bartending is not for everyone. You must be able to multitask and sometimes deal with difficult people.
Believe me, you could name a 1000 jobs that have those problems.

Did I forget to mention how great the money can be. I promise you many bartenders are making much more than some of the idiots that have tried to answer your question on this page.

Hey, give it a try.
Bartending is something many people do while looking for something better.
Just know you have options and if you don't like it.
Try something else.

If you love people, yes. I bartended in college and loved it. I made a ton of money, friends, and some great connections for later in life. A few pitfalls though....beware of drugs, they are everywhere in bars/restaurants; work in a reputable establishment where bad drunks are controlled...otherwise, it could be unsafe; Cash at the end of the day is very addicting..have another career plan in place if you have another passion. Bartending is a reputable professsion but it is not for everyone as a long term career choice and later in life, it is very hard to be on your feet all day or all night.

Bartending jobs are the most glamorous and difficult to get in the food and beverage industry. It's the kind of job that restaurant owners and managers love to give to their friends and family so if you have an inside track, use it. Otherwise be prepared to look for a long time before you find work. Bartending for a catering company doesn't pay as well but it is easier to find work.

I would recommend it in a heartbeat. I did it for 10 years starting at 18. It cured me of my shyness. Taught me invaluable social skills I wouldn't have gotten anywhere else. Taught me to read and understand people. Helped me meet all types of people. It was the funnest job I ever had and I made money having a blast. It was also very flexible. You can do a lot of networking also. Do it while you're young. It's totally worth the knowledge you'll obtain and use later in life.

If you want to have some fun this is definately a fun job. If you are young and want to have a job that will help you get through college this is the job to have.

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