Should the legal drinking age be lowered to 16 in Australia?!

Question: please tell the reason for your answer ( i think it shouldnt be lowered )

Answers: please tell the reason for your answer ( i think it shouldnt be lowered )

You guys can do what you want, but, over here, in the States, I have decades of evidence that 16 year olds have no maturity to begin with, and, as "filthy" says, alcohol kills brain cells, and 16 year olds are not biologically mature enough to start destroying the very thing that is the key to maturity. 18 year olds aren't mature enough either. If alcohol has to be a part of our culture, then I would want "legal age" to be between 25 - 30 years of age. By then, you have matured more biologically, and psychologically, and have seen more of life, sober, to begin to make more adult decisions on your values and adult lifestyle. When you start killing the very thing that is most used to mature, you're really tripping yourself up.


In France, where the legal age is 16, they learn to drink BEFORE they are allowed to learn to drive. It makes for more responsible driving.

There will always be drunks and people who are irresponsible. I don't believe a larger proportion of 16-18 olds is irresponsible compared with the other age groups.

why would australia care what i think?

i think you might be 16. am i right ?

theres enough drunks around now

Stop trying to change the law you 16 year old!

NO WAY .............i dont think 18 year olds can handle alcohol so how a 16yo can handle it i have no idea.

That would just make more teenage alcoholics.

yes if they live in that place they should be allowed to drink from birth

no it shouldn't, their are adults that cant even handle their alcohol, now this being true, a 16 year old cant even begin to either.

i dont think so bcuz wats so diffrent about australia wat is that going to be a pen for all the alcholics in the world.

I don't think it should be lowered to 16 ANYWHERE. I think there's already too many people that can't control their drinking and lowering the drinking age would add even more to that... People are already stupid enough, no reason to let more of them drink. ;P

I live in the US. I believe 18 is a reasonable age for legal drinking for a responsible person. If a person can go to war and fight for their country, then they should be able to buy an alcoholic drink legally if they are responsible about it.

i think there should be no drinking age. fact if there was non there would be less drinking problums

why should austrailians get speacial privilages?huh?

what is it now? 18? because i live in the US and it's 21, which doesn't really make sense, because you become an adult when you're 18. basically nothing happens when you're 21. except that. and you just know that people drink in college anyway. i think 18 is a good age. but on the other hand, maybe if it was generally accepted, like in britain, it wouldn't be that big of a deal.

Australia is the same as any other country. If their gov. thinks they should, then its probably best. however, would that be a good thing? nope, teens aren't as responsible as we all think, i should know! I AM ONE.. they should raise the age limit, so that they can keep citizens safe, and also the drivers

What for? NO!

The only thing that will happen is more Young Drinkers, we have already too much brat teenagers irresponsible of everything to keep adding more adictions to the list.

Well, so far as I can tell, kids can't even drive if they're listening to the radio. Yea, sure, we should throw liqour in there, thats a great idea!

No, the age shouldn't be lowered. Drunk 18 year old girls get me into enough trouble as it is...

i dont think so. drinking can be a very dangerous things. many teens die from drinking and doing stupid things like driving every year. if i lived in australia then i would vote no.

I live in the States, but my best friend grew up in Australia. He got a tattoo at 15. He was drinking before then. Granted, this was 15 years ago, but still. I don't think the drinking age should get any lower. And if you're not doing what you want, then you aren't using your resources. P.S. Drinking age is 21 in the States, and we have drunk teenagers, so...

I would like to see the drinking age lifted up a bit for alcohol service. Say to age 85... I see booze ruining more lives than it fixes and our whole society has to pay the price. The ones who can't have fun without a skinful of booze or drugs are seriously challenged and should get out to play sport and engage in hobbies more. They may learn some self respect and by feeling better about themselves, they may not need the rose coloured glasses on that booze lends them temporarily. It is not what you need in your life. Genuine liking of yourself is so much better than being on a drunk high one minute and being filled with self loathing the next when you are sober. How do I know? I married a man who was an alcoholic later in our marriage. There was no real evidence of it earlier on. He made life hell for himself, his friends, his family, me and our two children. Too many people come to grief with alcohol to ignore it.

Best wishes,



The teenagers around here are so irresponsible and dangerous

. It should stay at 18.

no alcohol is a drug and it destroys brain cells and if you are young as i think you might be because of the jist of the question your brain has yet to finish developing and most people young and old make fools of them self when affected by the drink

Those liquor stores will make more money and by lowering the legal drinking age it will improve the ecomony and give the kids more freedom.

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