Is Being Drunk a Good Excuse To....?!

Question: Flash people or have sex, or other do other crazy things??

One friend of mine used to get drunk and flash the camera all the time, but I drank the same amount or more, and I NEVER did, she even tried talking me into it, but I didn't budge. We were pretty drunk that night too....

I have a Boyfriend(future husband), and I couln't imagine even blowing kisses at anybody, but if I didn't have a bf, I don't think I would do it either...

Do you think drinking is a good excuse to do crazy things??

Answers: Flash people or have sex, or other do other crazy things??

One friend of mine used to get drunk and flash the camera all the time, but I drank the same amount or more, and I NEVER did, she even tried talking me into it, but I didn't budge. We were pretty drunk that night too....

I have a Boyfriend(future husband), and I couln't imagine even blowing kisses at anybody, but if I didn't have a bf, I don't think I would do it either...

Do you think drinking is a good excuse to do crazy things??

No its not i agree with you! when your drunk you do have some control over yourself. you are just a really respectable person and very loyal to your boyfriend(husband) You should be proud of yourself ^_^; you go girl!

No you may be drunk but have some self resect.

Its the reason they do the things they do so yes being drunk was there excuse. Now on a moral level if you're asking what others think about it, thats a different story. Alchohol does not affect every person the same even if you drink the equal same amount, the same with drugs, meds, etc.

No, i don't think drinking is a good excuse to do crazy things...people just use drinking as a scapegoat to do things they've wanted to do but didn't want to be ashamed of...Hope you and your bf have a happy life.

I think NOT drinking is a good excuse NOT to do crazy things. You have a b/f and a future to consider. Why would you risk it all because of a bad influence like your so called friend and alcohol ?

being drunk is not an excuse to be crazy. but it does loosen some people up to do things that they normally wouldnt/shouldnt do.

It has nothing to do with excuses... but rather inhibitions.

In vino veritas... Latin for "truth in wine" or "in wine there is truth."

People react to alcohol differently. It strips many people of their defense mechanisms and they behave impulsively.

In the case of your friend, she must crave the attention, and the alcohol is sufficient to trigger her to behave in a manner that brings her attention-- good or bad.

Drinking is never an excuse to do something stupid. Adults are responsible for their behavior, and I'm sure she has awakened with more then her fair share of regret.

Kudos to you for knowing your limits and staying frosty.

No I don't and when I was partying I use to hate being around people that would ruin my buzzzzzzz.

People are responsible for their behavior at all times.

hell yes !! i love drunk crazy naked chicks! people tend to make some fantasies realities while drunk, it lowers inhibitions, some people get drunk and BAM nakedness occurs...or other stuff not so cool.

No... Boredom is a good reason to flash people and have sex.. being drunk just helps..

The 'Wild Child' lives within all of us, we are responsible for what 'it' does. Being drunk may be a reason why you do crazy things BUT, it's only an acceptable excuse the first time you get drunk . After people tell you what degrading things you have done when you were drunk, a smart person will learn their limits. The second time, you knew better and did it any way. Soooo, that means you did it (got drunk, did unmentionable things) by choice, 'cause you knew how the liquor was going to affect you and you drank it anyway.

It all depends on your values.

I have friends that do coke when they drink, but when I drink with them, I refuse to do it, no matter how drunk I am. It's just one of those things I won't do, I'll smoke pot all day and drink, but I won't do coke.

Everybody's different

i think when your drunk you think you dont know what your doing most of the time people do stupid things so they get attention...AM I RIGHT!!!

Of course it is!

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