Whats the most embarrasing thing you've done when you are drunk?!

Question: At my Grandparents 50th Wedding Aniversary Party (a huge family event) I loudly, publicly, and repeatedly told my Grandad (RIP) that he was uptight, and "needed a good bumming". My grandad was a notorious homophobe.

At the same party I spilled a drink down my trousers by mistake, and staggered around with everyone assuming I'd pissed myself.

I later found a bunch of people admiring a large bronze statue and announced that it was 'bollocks' and gestured at my girlfriend and said "I'd rather look at her **** for one second than stare at that thing all day."

Don't remember much after that but know that I ended the night turning blue after a near amphetamine overdose that almost got me an ambulance ride. Happy days!

Answers: At my Grandparents 50th Wedding Aniversary Party (a huge family event) I loudly, publicly, and repeatedly told my Grandad (RIP) that he was uptight, and "needed a good bumming". My grandad was a notorious homophobe.

At the same party I spilled a drink down my trousers by mistake, and staggered around with everyone assuming I'd pissed myself.

I later found a bunch of people admiring a large bronze statue and announced that it was 'bollocks' and gestured at my girlfriend and said "I'd rather look at her **** for one second than stare at that thing all day."

Don't remember much after that but know that I ended the night turning blue after a near amphetamine overdose that almost got me an ambulance ride. Happy days!

Erm, i stole a hat from a restaurant when i was drunk (it was a bright pink sombreo so not the easiest thing to hide!) but as i tried to hide it under my coat, i slipped down the restaurant stairs & everyone saw what i was doin!!

i don't often remember but i have fallen asleep on the edge of the dancefloor of a really nasty club.

told a gfs mate i saw her other mate nude accidently haha

Knocked down a whole kebab turnstile - the joint of meat went flying across the floor and out the door...

Shat in a flowerpot.....in my mates back garden with his mother watchin in horror

had sex and put my bum up in public!!!

oh god so much !

the worst probably is a while ago when i was in the front of the car with my then boyfreind . I was very drunk .
we pulled outside the kebab shop .
I attempted to and pretty much suceeded in giving my boyf a bit of oral

the next day his freind said that was very sweet what you did to **** (my boyfriend) last night night in the car......

I could have died apparently there was 3 of them in the back

more recently I was out and in the morning found a car mat attached to my belt hanging down .

whoops !
must of had it there for a while at a party as the only car I had been in was on the way to that party .

Vomitted on someone's table full of food.

Ran out of beer....

asked my best friends newly 18yrs old brother if he fancied trying an older woman of 35! (me!!)....oh the shame! lol x (well! he is cute!)

My 21st birthday...september 12th...i drank soo much and the bartender told me if i could drink this one drink...which had 5 liquors in it...clear and dark...the rest of the drinks were on him...so being I was already drunk I did...and about an hour later my foot got caught on the bar stool and I fell face first on the floor...broke my nose, and got 2 black eyes. I ended up going to the ER in the ambulance that night. Ill never forget my 21st birthday now.

fell a sleep on the front lawn with the niebours daughter. woke up around noon so im sure the whole town saw us including the niebours. another one i up chucked in my buddys fish tank and did in all his fish

has sex with my girlfriend's mom ...

I stripped down to my boxers on stage during karaoke.. then my wang fell out of the flap. Threw up on my girlfriend's leg during or first date. Did a table dance and got money shoved down my pants.. by guys. Launched a bottle rocket out of my *** crack. Sex with a fat chick. Fell in the bathtub washing off Halloween makeup and had trouble walking for a week.

I think I'll stop now.

I'm 25 and I've only been drunk once. I didn't do anything embarrassing - I sang some songs, went to sleep in my friend's spare room and called my mum to pick me up in the morning when I felt sick. That's it. I'm not getting drunk again... it's not fun and not good for you. LOVE YOUR LIVER!

well where do i start.... i have so many. my ultimate embarrassing moment whilst drunk was at my house surprisingly, i bet you thought nothing embarrasing could happen there because u dont really care about making yourself look like an idiot infront of your family. Anyways, my boyfriend was in bed, he had fallen asleep and i was VERY drunk. I quickly got up and went to the toilet and got back into bed. im quite affectionate whilst drunk so i began playing with my mans hair and stroking his chest. i began to hear grunting which i thought was a bit strange but i dismissed it due to the paraletic state i was in. next thing i know my mother is screaming at the door asking me what the hell i am doing. my boyfriend then rushed into the room and they stare at me in shock. of course i am utterly bewildered as my boyfriend was laying next to me..... so i though!!!! my DAD then rolled over after hearing the commotion and i have never leaped out of bed so quickly!!!!!!!!!! how embarrassing. it took me so long to convince my family i was not committing incest and it is still the best joke spoken of around the christmas table!! i will never live it down, and no one will let me either!!

a friend of mine once drank a bottle of whiskey and did a poo on his own face.

Peed my pants. Yep, definitely the most embarrassing thing.

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