There is a fine line between liking a drink and being an alcoholic.where is that line drawn?!

Question: Don't buy into this politically correct BS about being an alcoholic; You KNOW when you are over doing it.

Answers: Don't buy into this politically correct BS about being an alcoholic; You KNOW when you are over doing it.

When you say oh man I am out of beer. That's an alcoholic.

When you find it difficult/impossible not to have a drink.

Right at the point where liking the drink is due to the alcohol content.

When you still can enjoy the drink instead of having it to feel high or doing it out of habit.

if your life interferes with your drinking, you've crossed the line.

treat it like coffee/caffeine. If you feel like you have to have one, then your an alcoholic.
If your having trouble you should google alcoholics anonymous. it's a great organization.
haven't touched a bottle in seven years : )

When you wake up under your neighbors coffee table (thinking it's your house) with your pants down and having used their trash can and houseplant as a know you have reached that line.

When the amount you drink controls you and not you controlling how much you drink

When that beverage tells you when its time to partake.

when you actually cannot control your drinking. you feel sick, are vomitting, and its not even the beer you like but you drink more anyways.


Being a acholic is drinking like 3 a day. Liking a drink is like one a week

when you drink just when u have guys over and enjoying! by ureself not

well liking a drink and being an alcoholic are two very different things

as long as youre not drunk every single night youre not an alcoholic once in a while is absoulutely fine

I don't want to over simplify things, but I think it's when you go from want to need.

Well, can you have one of those drinks, or when you have one do you have to have another, and so on? Is your life impacted by those drinks? Can you imagine your life without that drink? Just some things to think about when questioning whether you are alcoholic or not. Oh and that line is going to vary from person to person.

When the need for a drink overhwelms the senses to the extent that one will do anything for the next fix. This is the line - for some it is perilously thin, whereas for others it is as wide as the Nile.

These are the caveats:

1. Better not to drink at all.
2. If you must have a drink, only in moderation
3. Know when to stop, and DO SO!

the difference between an alcoholic and someone liking drinking is when your an alcoholic your body depends on the intake of alcohol. You need the alcohol to go about your normal day. whereas when you like drinking you don't need the alcohol you just like to have a drink every now and again on the social or with a meal.
Alcoholics drink in excess amounts and their way of thinking changes.. It effects the mind as well as the body.

hope that helped.
my mum was an alcoholic and so i have answered your question in my personal view and of what my mum has told me in the past.

if you enjoy a drink over a nice meal you are cool but if you crave for alcohol early in the morning then youre in deep trouble

the link is when i run out of JD.the line is drawn when i run out of JD.

The line isn't fine at all. You're an alcoholic when drinking interferes with your daily life. You need to be in rehab when your daily life interferes with your drinking. Silly semantics aside, here are two major indications the line has been crossed:
- if you have blackouts (whether you pass out or not, if you don't remember things that happened while you were drunk, it's a problem, especially if it happens with any kind of regularity)
- if you hide your drinking from others
-if you can't "have fun" without alcohol
-if you drink throughout the day

If bad things happen because of your drinking, like you get fired for being drunk at work or get a DUI and still can't stop drinking, you're an alcoholic

its when the dependency for alcohol takes control, not the case of just wanting a drink but having and not being able to cope without it. I know i watched my brother die from it two years ago.

A person who goes out for drinks after work doesn't necessarily make them an alcoholic. An alcoholic is someone who puts off everything else in life for just one more drink. The files at work can wait until tomorrow.....I want one more drink. Or drinking so much that they pass out. A lot of drinking problems come from emotions that the person cannot deal with. So they resort to alcohol to stray the mind from other thoughts and emotions that they cannot deal with.

Great question. For me it was telling people I could quit any time I wanted to and then trying it and finding I couldn't. I quit over twenty years ago. I got scared sober. It wasn't will power. It was that I wasn't getting high anymore and it wasn't clearing out of my system by morning. I was sort of stuck in a twilight zone. Kind of like a mild fog. With a bead of sweat on your brow, &c. I got scared. I had so much alcohol in my system you could smell it on my skin. It made me quit forever.

Actually there is no line at all. There is no such thing as an alcoholic. That entire idea was invented as a way for people to not have to take responsibility for what they do when they drink. The could blame it on the alcohol itself and claim that they had an addiction (another concept that does not exist) and that they could not be held responsible for their actions because of it.

from a friends experience - yes really- i'd say its when you get grumpy or angry when alcohol isnt available, you dont stop at sensible amounts and drink every day, it affects your life, and your family, eventually your job and of course your health.

at the weekend i went out with a guy , i had two glasses of red wine and a liqueur coffee and he made a comment about me being boozy............. all with a meal i hasten to add........

When you can't get up in the morning with out knowing there is drink to be drunk.
Normally the thought of having a drink and then going to work would be absurd and irresponsible but to an alcoholic its perfectly normal. There is a difference between an alcoholic that you see bouncing of shop fronts at 9 in the morning and a functioning alcoholic that doesn't think twice about having 5 bottles of wine a night, then going to work in the morning looks forward to there lunch break so they can nip of to the pub for a liquid lunch. I think the line is crossed when having alcohol is one of the top priorities in your life.

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