Would it be safe to put red wine in the fridge a few hours before drinking it?!

Question: YES, when you need the wine to be at a optimal wine serving temperature. For doing this, take in account:
A bottle of wine will cool 4°F or 2°C for every ten minutes in the refrigerator (NOT THE FREEZER), and will warm at about this same rate when removed from the refrigerator and left at room temperature—the temperature of the room will affect the speed with which the wine warms up.
For optimal wine serving temperature check http://www.le-cache.com/wine-storage/win...

Remember, that it no longer makes much sense to talk about room temperature (65°F or 18°C), given the advent of modern heating systems and air conditioning, interior temperatures now average more than (72°F or 23°C), a level at which all wines lose their appeal.
TIP: A wine is ruined by being too warm than too cold. If uncertain about serving temperature, always err on the side of caution and serve the wine a little too cold. A wine served in that way will soon warm up in the glass, there is no easy way, however, of cooling a wine served too warm except by adding ice to the glass.

Answers: YES, when you need the wine to be at a optimal wine serving temperature. For doing this, take in account:
A bottle of wine will cool 4°F or 2°C for every ten minutes in the refrigerator (NOT THE FREEZER), and will warm at about this same rate when removed from the refrigerator and left at room temperature—the temperature of the room will affect the speed with which the wine warms up.
For optimal wine serving temperature check http://www.le-cache.com/wine-storage/win...

Remember, that it no longer makes much sense to talk about room temperature (65°F or 18°C), given the advent of modern heating systems and air conditioning, interior temperatures now average more than (72°F or 23°C), a level at which all wines lose their appeal.
TIP: A wine is ruined by being too warm than too cold. If uncertain about serving temperature, always err on the side of caution and serve the wine a little too cold. A wine served in that way will soon warm up in the glass, there is no easy way, however, of cooling a wine served too warm except by adding ice to the glass.

Yes, red wine should be served slightly chilled.. but not to much cold masks the flavors. Cellar temperature is preferred.. 55 degrees or so... I think.

Wait. Do you mean the freezer? Put it in for about 30 to 45 minutes but definitely no more than an hour. 45 to 60 will make it cold. The 30 should make it chilled.

Why would you want to do that? Keeping it somewhere cool and dark (but not as cold as the fridge!) would be a better idea, if possible...

Putting it in the fridge for a few hours will make it too cold to drink. Fridges are at about 40 degrees and red wine should be served at about 60-65 degrees to be able to taste the flavors of the wine properly.

Put in in for no more than about 1/2 hour if it is at room temperature (such as about 70 degrees).

safe yes but not the ideal flavor do you have a basement that would be the best if not no more than 2hrs

safe yes, but taste and flavor?.... hm.... no!no!no! Red wine needs room temperature and you need to open it 1 hour before you serve so it develops its full body, flavor and taste !

most all wines taste nasty and the real cold hides the flavor while drinking..

NO!! It's too dangerous!!

Just kidding. It'll be fine.

I prefer my red wine chilled. I refrigerate mine all the time then if I want to drink some I pour it in the glass and let it breathe.

It would depend on the red wine. If you like your red wine chilled try a Beaujolais (10 to 15 minutes in the fridge would suffice.) I recommend at this time of year a Beaujolais Nouveau, they are lighter and fruiter than some of the heavier red wines and are made specifically to celebrate the harvest...seems a good fit for Thanksgiving.

its fine if u put wine in the fridge just will b cold wine

If you like it cool, thats your preference!
The chilled temperature/room temperature is a guide for enjoying optimal flavors. The same goes for wine/food pairings drink what YOU like with whatever food you are eating. Reds are enhnced with items like steak, but if you like white zin with steak, have at it!

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