I had roughly 20 drinks on saturday night at a wedding, will my liver be okay?!


I had roughly 20 drinks on saturday night at a wedding, will my liver be okay?

I actually remember the whole night too, i had about 7 glasses of merlot wine, 4 vodka and cranberrys, 2 jack and cokes, 2 captain and cokes, a sam adams, a shot of tequilla and a shot of some brandy. also had a fillet mignon somewhere between all that.

Additional Details

3 weeks ago
i also took an adderrol

3 weeks ago
i also took an adderrol

lol justbe sure u didnt do any thingelseif u know what i mean

Yeh, just don't do it regularly.

I average a case of beer a day for year's. you'll be fine.

you'll be fine as long as you don't do that everyday.

yeah just dont make a habit of it.

sound like a real heavy nite. as long as you are not doing this regularly, ur liver should be ok.....

Yes you will be fine, if you did this non stop on a regular daily basis then you would eventually end up hurting your liver. Drinking once in awhile even a lot of drinks is not going to cause permanent damage to your liver.

No your going to die..... just kidding you will be fine as long as you doin't make a habbit of drinking that much!

yeah, i do that all the time. plus they were probably small-a$s wedding drinks anyway. and you remember the whole night, so you couldn't have been THAT drunk.

Its ok if u do it rarely ie only on weekends .
But ,no matter how much u drink ,have plenty of water because water will clean ur liver.
And ur liver will be very healthy and safe.

Once it won't hurt, once a night will really mess up your liver and other things as well.
I hope the couple stays happily married.

As long as you're not doing that everyday you should be fine.

MODERATION is the BEST tact when it comes to alcohol. Your liver will appreciate it!

you'll find out in about 48 more hours

Liver damage is cause by excessive drinking regularly....it's not a one time deal. It's something that is caused over years of abusing alcohol, so in your case, you'll be fine. Take 2 aspirin and call me in the morning.

Ask me in twenty years... Sounds like a fun night, hope you dont indulge like that always.
I would be more likely to ask if my head, were going to be alright (hangover).

wow your just sooo cool. aint **** compared to my weekend, you couldn't hang w/me-most can't ;P

Not very clever.. you'll probably survive, but if you binge drink often, your skin will turn yellow, you'll lose interest in sex and eventually, you'll die.

You"re liver may be ok.But how is your head feeling lol

Of course you will. Drinknig like this repetitively will do serious damage to your liver, however it is an organ with a great regenerative ability. As such a night like this can be overcome by taking it easy for a bit on the booze.

your liver will be fine. your kidneys will not. rookie

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