What is the composition of miller beer bottles(glass)?!
Answers: I need to know what the glass miller beer bottle is made of.
The basic composition is a standard alumino soda-lime-silicate. This means it is very similar to a window glass but with extra alumina added for chemical durability.
The exact compostions for the various bottles are proprietary since each manufacturer has their own "brand color". Even among amber (brown) bottles like Miller, there are subtle differences in the composition. These differences usually only involve the elements responsible for color, which for amber bottles are iron and sulfer. So while I can't give you an exact composition, here is a "very good" approximation:
...-0.5Fe2O3-xNa2SO4 (wt%)
(sorry for the line break but Yahoo doesn't like long dashed sentences and it was getting cutoff, just read it as if there was no break)
Where x is added in the amount needed to yield 0.04 wt% SO3, but will also contribute some Na2O and so you compensate by reducing the added Na2O (as soda ash) accordingly.
"Soda-lime glass can be created by melting a mixture of silicon dioxide, sodium carbonate, and either calcium carbonate or calcium oxide. Adding sodium carbonate lowers the melting point of the glass, thus lowering the energy required to heat it, but also making it soluble in water. Calcium carbonate or calcium oxide are added to counter this."