How long does achol stay in your system for?!
You should be fine, just make sure to drink a few glasses of water before bed, then have coffee in the morning with a couple of asprin to counteract any hangover effects.
(Alcohol is generally out of your system in 12 hours)
1 unit of alcohol takes about 1 hour to clear the system.2 units 2 hours etc.a double vodka is 2 units. a pint of lagar 2 to 3 if you have say 8 to 10 pints about 24 units it would take 24 hours for all the alcohol to clear your system.alcoholics ween themselves from alchol by drinking 24 units a day. 1 unit an hour then cut it down bit by bit day by day.
recovering alcoholic.
It takes1 hour for the liver to detox 1 unit of alcohol period. You can eat drink loads of water whatever you want to do, it makes no difference. 3 single shots 1/6 of a Gill will take 3 hours for the liver to get rid of it. If they were double shots, 6 hours.
you will be sober in the morning, but if you dont drink alot or cant handle alot you may have a hangover
an average man can metabolise about one unit of alcohol per hour