Shower or food dilema?!

Question: i have to cheer for a basketball game in less than 45mins. should i take a shower and look good or should i make food and eat? help

Answers: i have to cheer for a basketball game in less than 45mins. should i take a shower and look good or should i make food and eat? help

EAT EAT EAT! You must eat or you will be tiered

Shower and eat a granola bar or PB &J and a piece of fruit for dinner.

wash your food IN the shower like cosmo kramer in seinfeld.-blurey

shower and grab somethin to eat on the run.

...For me, You must make a delicious treat and Eat while watching your favorite movie...

Unless your hair is greasy, I'd hit the hot spots with some soap and water, fix your hair and have a nutritious meal before the game. You can have a nice shower or bath when you get home and unwind.

Do both??? If you have 45 mins then eat something quick and have a quick shower.

have a shower and make a quick sandwich, maybe eat a piece of fruit too!

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