How much does it cost to hire a stripper for a birthday party?!

Question: i'm planning a surprise party for a guy friend...and we're looking into hiring a female stripper..

we have a pole setup already and we want someone who can dance and funny biz.

do you pay them by the hour and whats the going rate??


Answers: i'm planning a surprise party for a guy friend...and we're looking into hiring a female stripper..

we have a pole setup already and we want someone who can dance and funny biz.

do you pay them by the hour and whats the going rate??


go to the local strip clubs and just ask some of the girls if they do parties, some clubs may even have a deal worked out for just such an occasion


Look in your phone book under party entertainment.

Usually it is a flat rate for so much time... and additional money after that.

Google it for your area.....

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