If you were staying at a friend's house for a week, what food/bev items would you like them to have in house!

Question: I would like them to have
either pizza or fries
icecream! (cookie dough)
bananas, apples, STRAWBERRIES!
hamburgers, chicken
some nachoes maybe
little snacks
but thats just me, can't you tell I am such a healthy eater...lol!

Answers: I would like them to have
either pizza or fries
icecream! (cookie dough)
bananas, apples, STRAWBERRIES!
hamburgers, chicken
some nachoes maybe
little snacks
but thats just me, can't you tell I am such a healthy eater...lol!

Food wise I'm fine with what ever they have - I have same taists as most of my friends. If I want something different I go to the store and get it myself.

Drink - I have to have diet sodas and crystal light -I'm dabetic and those are about all I can drink besides water. I tend to bring my own.

soy creamer
dry cereal
silk milk
fresh fruit
fresh veggies

bottled water - I would probably be fine with whatever else they happened to have in their house. Ice Cream would be a nice evening treat, but I probably would have no expectations.

special k cereal
fat free milk
lean turkey lunch meat
boca burgers
lean cuisine meals
diet pepsi
green beans

probly chocalates and popcorn and fizzy drink nice dinners and nice lunches

Snacks that I could grab easily and not worry about making a mess or getting a lot of dishes dirty.

granola bars, nutrtigrain bars, and pop tarts
bags of chips (or small bags), crackers, or cookies
fresh fruit and veggies that are easy to clean and eat-- bananas, apples, strawberries, cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, potatoes, grapes, oranges
bread for quick sandwiches or toast
peanut butter
deli meat
dry cereal
bottled or canned soda
bottled water
iced tea
tortillas, cheese, and salsa for easy quesadillas

When I stay at a friends place for any longer than a night, I do not expect them to have anything special on hand for me. In fact it is the opposite - I take what ever I think I can add to their food store for the week.

i.e. chicken, ice cream, bread, milk, butter, etc. and of course a few little treats.
As for beverages/alcohol, I always take what-ever I drink and include it into their own drink cabinet. I would never expect them to provide it for me.

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