What to serve at a buffet wedding dinner??!

Question: What to serve at a buffet wedding dinner!?!?
My fiance and I are having a buffet style dinner at our reception starting at 5pm!. We have chosen chicken/pork souvlaki with pita bread!. What other dinner choices do we need and how many course items should there be!? also, is a breakfast dinner tacky for a wedding!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

some people do not eat pork- so make sure the items are clearly marked!. some type of beef would be good also for variety!. have a few side dishes available- about 5 for them to choose from- like salad, steamed veggies, some type of pasta, some type of potatoes, and whatever else you choose!. have dinner rolls and butter available also!.
I would stay away from the breakfast dinner- you could totally pull it off if it was an early afternoon reception- but I don't think people will think too highly of it, but then again it is your wedding so do what you want!Www@FoodAQ@Com

No breakfast dinner! But if you are going to a Greek style dinner (Souvlakis are like kabobs) then maybe have a greek salad (traditional greek salad has feta, olives, tomatoes, cucumbers and red onions in oil and vinegar) and maybe have roasted potatoes (a variation of how they serve it in Greece, cause everything came with fries there)!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I think a breakfast/brunch meal sounds great!. How many people are attending!?

I was going to recommend stuffed mushrooms but it's up to you w/ the breakfast buffet!.

Good luck! Www@FoodAQ@Com

It all depends on how much you want to spend!. The choice is totally up to you!.!.!. after all, its your wedding!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

no its not tacky
its cool !

i would love it! Just make it simple but fun :)Www@FoodAQ@Com

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