What's a good dinner-date idea/recipe? Fun, cute, healthy?!

Question: What's a good dinner-date idea/recipe!? Fun, cute, healthy!?
I'm just starting to date a guy, so we don't know each other very well yet!. But it has potential!.!.!.so I want this to go well! I'm going to his place to make dinner, since we both like to cook!. Any ideas or suggestions as to what could be a good success!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

The focus should be on the date!. Food is the conduit to get to know each other!. So don't pick something terribly difficult!. You should make something that you can actually prepare together; it's the involvement and interaction that mean the most -- not whipping up some complicated dinner!.

Somebody already suggested pasta, with a combination of your favorite ingredients!. Another similar idea would be pizza that you make together!. Anything that gets you cooking together, getting to know each other, and spending quality time will be best!.

Another idea is to try something completely new to both of you!. Say, when you're grocery shopping, you pick up some new cheese from the gourmet cheese counter!. Something that you both get to experience for the first time -- together!. It doesn't have to be fancy, just unique (and conversational -- so you can ask, "what do you think of this!?")

Don't fuss over dessert!. Ice cream with some simple toppings would be nice, as you can make sundaes together -- or maybe for each other! (ie, you make his and he makes yours -- that'll give you some insight!)

Most of all, don't fret if something goes wrong!. Good luck on your date!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Do something fun, simple and casual so as not to make it uncomfortable!. A fun idea is homemade pizza, salad and a great (inexpensive) bottle of wine (or beer)!. My husband was reeled in by my steak alfredo pizza made on thin boboli style crust!.

Preheat oven to 400 degrees
cover all sides of steak (of choice/preferrably a thick cut) with salt and pepper
heat olive oil in cast iron or oven durable skillet!. When skillet is ready grill steak(s) 2 minutes on each side and if possible on edges to seal in juices!. Place 1 tablespoon of butter on top of steak(s) and put in preheated oven in original skillet for 10 - 15 minutes!.
While steak is cooking cover both sides of crust with olive oil and cover with (Bertolli) Alfredo mushroom sauce, chopped fresh spinach, mushrooms!. When steak is done transfer to plate, cover and let set (to let juices distribute) about 15 minutes!. Slice into strips then bite size pieces and sprinkle on top of pizza and cover with cheese of choice!. ( I use provolone and mozzarella) Bake for approx 10 - 15 minutes depending on how you like your crust!. You can make it to your liking as far as toppings but the steak is great!

Watch a movie and enjoy!. Even if there is that period of awkwardness the movie will be an ice breaker!.

Just have funWww@FoodAQ@Com

I think usually doing some pad thai in front of my guest(s) is a good way to wow people, since you have throw it all together quite fast!. It's also quite tasty!. If you don't know how to do pad thai, Chez Pim has a great website for beginners!.

Skewers of Greek souvlaki are also like little arrows from Cupid!. Just marinate a pound of cubed chicken breasts in the following:

2 T white whine
1/4 C olive oil
Juice of 1 lemon
2 T chopped fresh oregano
3 garlic cloves, smashed

Grill under the broiler and serve on or off the skewers and drizzled with olive oil!. Greek salad is a really bright and colorful side, along with maybe some pita & tzaziki!. I guarantee your guest's senses will be stimulated quite enough!. It's also great because you can make everything a day ahead, and then just throw it together later!.

Either way, I think I speak for everyone when I say we'd like to hear how it went!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Bottle of good wine, you don't want this to hard cause you want time together!. Pre make a salad to bring with you, make it pretty with some organic mixed with a romaine croutons on the side (bring some candles to set the mood)!. Find out what dressing he likes, vinaigrette goes well!. Garlic bread easy to make, with french bread spread sliced down the middle with butter garlic, parsley, and paprika for color!. Then I would say a pasta dish with boneless chicken like an alfredo, or easy pasta with Italian sauce!. No gas foods lol!. Keep it simple then your not tired after dinner!. If you do a desert do something not to sweet maybe a small fruit salad!. As women we don't want to feel bloated!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

mmmm i love soy sauce chicken! just get chicken thighs, bask them in soy sauce cook at 350 flipping half way, then jack up the heat at the end so they soy sauce gets crispy on the pan and rub the chicken all in it and its soooo good!. serve with french style green beans and stouffers stuffing!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Here is a wide variety of romantic recipes specifically for Valentines Day - http://www!.valentine-shop!.com/cooking!.ht!.!.!.

Remember the mood and setting is important too, make sure you have candles, and music playing softly in the background!


the funnest and easiest is pasta, combine the ingredients you both like!. it can end up messy fun!. garlic/herb bread!. icecream chocolate topping or nibble on some cheeses ans biscuits after!. have fun without stressWww@FoodAQ@Com

To me, nothing compares to a good ol' breakfast! French toast, pancakes, eggs, hash browns, omelettes, potatoes, you name it! It's comfort food and good for the soul!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Since you like to cook, pick your favorite recipe and dazzle him! Have fun!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

grilled meat/ veggie kabob

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